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A/N: So this is my first story don't copy.

Voices called out everywhere and surrounded the whole city. It was time for The Calling. Everybody who lived in the city ran out of their homes and lined up at the edge of the roads. Soldiers marched solidly down the roads searching the many faces. When they stopped the citizens got very quiet and looked at them with nervous eyes. Many people shuddered under their stare out of fear, if the person did not shy away from the soldier's gaze; they would be called forth. Nick Burns was one of them. He was never afraid of the soldiers when he was a young boy. He practically grew up watching them. His father was a good soldier until the unexpected happened. A heart attack struck him down at home when he was off duty during dinner. It changed the way Nick looked at life.

The soldier who spotted Nick called him forth. Nick stared at him with ease and began to walk forwards. He reached the soldier and stood before him, waiting for orders. The soldier pulled out a form and grabbed Nick's wrist. He lifted his wrist and pulled Nick's sleeve up placing the form on his inner arm. Nick watched patiently as the soldier got out a tool that would burn the form's number on him. He placed the burning tool on the arm and turned it on, revealing a number sequence of 4758.

"That's your number now, Walker." the soldier said and motioned for the boy to follow him and so he did. The soldier led Nick to a car that was heavily armored and got in. Nick stared at the car and placed his hand on a bar to help get up into it.
"Sit in the back kid. Others will be coming......hopefully." the soldier orders in a monotone voice. He rolled open the back door and stepped in revealing four seats.
"So there's only four of us eh?" Nick muttered under his breath. The armored vehicle lurched forward and they were on their way. Eventually arriving at another location that was somewhat rundown and gloomy. A soldier and a young man stood outside. The soldier got out a form and burned the young man his number, Nick couldn't see the number though. The soldier brought him forward and told him to get into the vehicle.
"Howdy partner," the young man exclaimed and held out his hand. Nick could tell he was going to be a nice and quirky guy, probably a loyal friend too. "My name is Conrad. Conrad Fisher." He smiled with his hand still out. Nick grabbed Conrad's hand firmly and shook it.
"Nick Burns. Nice to meet you Conrad." He smiled. Conrad sat down next to him in the seat.
"Did it hurt when you got yours?" Conrad asked tapping his inner arm. Nick shook his head and looked over the number. His number was 4759.
"Think any body else has the guts to be one of the Walkers?" Conrad asked with a lightness in his voice. Nick shrugged and said "I have no clue."
As Conrad got comfy the vehicle shuddered and lurched forward again. They arrived at a part of the city they never have seen before. Lanterns were strung up and glowed in the oncoming dark of the night. Lots of red and gold shimmered about in decorations of dragons and tigers dancing the night away. A young Japanese woman came out of the dancing dragons and tigers and stopped with a soldier by her side as well. She seemed to be calm and at peace when the soldier burned her number on her. She silently walked up to the armored car like a panther and stepped in lightly. Conrad stared at her and Nick watched as she sat down.
Conrad leaned in close to Nick and whispered "She's the first girl in a long time to become a Walker." He said in awestruck like he was swept of his feet.
She got comfortable and pulled down her sleeve, covering up the burn. Her number was 4760. And the car roared back into action to reveal their possible last partner.
A soldier was waiting outside by a lamppost with a figure in the back. He seemed to be unpleasant by the way he slouched and stayed in the darkness. The soldier beckoned him forward and burnt his number onto him. Then the young man stepped forward and got into the vehicle. His gloom seeped all over the car. His number, which was 4761, showed easily as he was wearing a short sleeved shirt.
"Man I think he needs a happy pill." Conrad laughed trying to impress the girl. The other guy sat down by the girl and crossed his legs and looked forward with distaste. Nick hmphed and leaned back getting ready for the long way to headquarters. Conrad sighed and blabbered on until the girl said her name.
"Hello my name is Yui....Yui Chang." She smiled softly but you could tell she was a strong individual. And the other gloomy man replied with his name as Murphy Wyatt. But wanted them to just call him Murph in general. Nick and Conrad both repeated their names.
"You should get your rest Conrad. Quit blabbering on and on. This will probably be the last good dream for all of us." Nick mentioned quietly and closed his eyes while they looked in his direction slightly. Then they all turned and leaned back as well and closed their eyes waiting for their destination to arrive.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2014 ⏰

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