Chapter 16

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By midday, the palace was a whirlwind of servants finishing up the last of the duties for the evening ball. Endolynn had left Dastrehan in his chambers to rest and had returned to her own to find Krea already waiting for her.

"I just need you to try this gown on so that I can make the final adjustments," Krea said through the pins she held between her teeth. She held up a red gown very similar to the style of the dress Endolynn was already wearing. But it was much fancier and elaborate.

Endolynn shrugged out of her dress and stepped into the gown.
"It is almost perfect!" Krea mumbled through the pins and she pulled at seams and circled Endolynn to inspect every angle.

Though she would not have been able to imagine it possible, the gown had more layers of fabric making up the skirts than the one she had just been wearing. Gold beads decorated the bodice and the low neckline in beautiful swirls. The sleeves were pieces of sheer gold fabric hanging loosely just past her elbows.

Endolynn's heart skipped a few beats as she thought about how much Dastrehan would like the dress when he saw it.

"All done," Krea set down her remaining pins and helped Endolynn out of the gown, "I will run you a bath. Any preference on the perfumes?"

"Lavender," Endolynn replied, eying the carefully discarded gown laying on her bed. It shimmered as she walked past it to her jewelry box. She carefully placed Dastrehan's ring and her sapphire necklace in the velvet lined interior.

"Bubbles?" Krea called from the bathing chamber

"No thank you."

Endolynn lifted her crown off her head and placed it on the cushion next to her jewelry box. The fire opals set firmly into the yellow gold seemed to almost come alive in the sunlight coming from the skylight above her.

Standing without her dress and crown on suddenly made her feel as if she had been transformed back to Alys. She gave herself a slight shake.

You are Endolynn.

She spun on her heel and headed to join Krea in the bathing chamber.

As was expected of her, Endolynn arrived in the main courtyard before the guests had started to arrive. The entire courtyard was unrecognizable from how it had been that morning. Tent canopies had been set up along the edges with tables under them that would soon been covered in all types of delicious foods, treats, and drinks.

Ropes had been set up to mark the far half of the middle of the courtyard as the dancing area. The other half had tables and chair scattered about. Huge vases were set up strategically around the courtyard. Once darkness fell, they would be lit with fire to provide light for the guests.

"Endolynn," King Caldor kissed her on the cheek, "You look incredible."

Krea had redone her hair after her bath. Her long dark curls were down and falling over her shoulders in all directions. Krea had put a handful of gold beads throughout the locks of curls, though she told Endolynn she would only put a few so to not overshadow her crown.

Endolynn thanked her father. His beard was freshly trimmed, and his tunic was a royal red matching the colour of her own dress. Nearby, Princess Royce was surveying the courtyard, inspecting to make sure nothing was out of place and that the set up was perfect. Unsurprisingly to Endolynn, she wore a slim but elegant gown the same royal red as the king's clothing. She was wearing her simple yet still existent crown.

It was clear to everyone with a brain that Royce was showing her unwillingness to become irrelevant. Even Atheena and Elspeth, who arrived wearing the same dress style, seemed to be putting on a show to make a statement. Atheena wore a burgundy gown and Elspeth's was more of a cherry red. They both wore their own simple crowns top their heads of long black locks of hair. Wearing their crowns was not the issue; wearing the royal colour of Balear was a tradition for the kings and his direct family.

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