Great expotations

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Moonlight pov
Today is the science expo and Varians
Coming to do it and I'm not doing it
So I went to see varian.
(End of pov)

Moonlight was going to see varian but saw him going to see Cass, so she went
To her room. Varian was going to see
Cass and said"hey Cassie look at my
Invention, roomer has it is the showing for the win, I started the roomer". Then Cass said "hi Varian
It Cass, not Cassie and should you be
Looking for moon" then Varian said, "I'm sure she's fine"." Varian, I would love to chat but I have a lot of stuff to
Do" said Cass as she goes the banner falls down but Varian had grabbed it
And before it falls down as he tied
It up. Then Rapunzel and Eugene come to see him and Rapunzel said
"Hey cass, looking great, oh hi Varian
I guess you're here for the science expo and to see moonlight", "yes, do you know were Cass is?" Asked Varian." she doing her Lady in waiting jobs and help with setting up the expo, but aren't you going to see moonlight, "said Rapunzel. "Thanks, Rapunzel," said varian as he was going to find cass.

"Hi Cass not Cassie I just wanted to ask if you want to be my assistant for
The expo?" Asked varian. " Hi varian," said Cassandra as she spills the juice and went to get A napkin but when she was clean it up it was gone " so you have a knack for this, " said Cassandra"I could help you then you can be my assistant," said Varian. "Yes," said cass." we could be co ladies
In waiting" said Varian as Cassandra put some washing on him and said "don't put a label on it".

As Varian help Cass with his alchemy
Until 12 and Cass said "You make a good co lady in waiting" "you said don't put a label on it" Varian said as he was cleaning the photo frames.
Then the bell rang and Cassandra said " I'm not going to finish in time "I could finish for you " said Varian. "Are you sure about this?" Asked Cassandra "yeah that what friends are for," said Varian. "Yeah friends," said Cassandra. Then She went to see her father.

When Varian was walking down the hall when Rapunzel stopped him and said: " haven't you seen moonlight yet?" "No I'll see her later," said Varian. "Are you sure you can do this?"Asked Rapunzel. Yes, I just have
To do this one, that one and this one"
Said varian as he fell down the cellar.
And Rapunzel said, "that the cellar".
As Varian finished the jobs and cass came to see if he had done and he said " I've just fainted, finished"
"I'm impressed, Varian," she said.
"Are you ready to be my assistant?
Asked Varian. Actually I can't I'm the
Perfesser's guard , you have to find a
Different assistant" said cassandra.
(time skip to varian's go)
Then it was Varian's go" I present you
The elemental remogufer, this machine can turns 50 pounds of sand into this I call it cassandum", varian said holding up the element in his hand.

Cassandra was shocked of what she had done. As that shorty knocked over the machine and it hit the line of
Cantesets and a person holding a knife was knocked over and the knife was handed over to the perfeser but cassandra chach it before it hit him in the nose and he said "this machine is banned from the expo" As Varian was
Going to say something some mist and
A woman came on the stage and talked about her intention and varian
Asked "what does it do?" the woman said"what doesn't it do,"and she then she said" shut up kid and have some chocolate ", giving him some chocolate.

Then he ran of ther stage to the fountain and cassandra followed him and he said "I only wanted to impress you, I thought you would see something special, I guess I was wrong" "I am impressed by you I always am, but there is someone who more impress by you, your best friend, moonlight", said cassandra,
Varian was confused "wait, she likes me?" " you should ask her yourself, look like he did like your invention after all" at that the perfeser was messing with the the machine "wait don't touch that" said Varian, as he ran to the man.

"Move over kid I'm a scienceist" said the perrfeser as he did that the machine had flu of the bottom and landed on the magnetic machine and
Created a votex, so they stopped it with Rapunzel's hair dryer and Varian and cassandra's friendship was mending, So Varian went to see Moonlight.

Varian walked up to moonlight's room
To hear her crying and he knocked on
The door and said "Moonlight can I come in?" Moonlight sniffed and said "OK" as Varian opened the door to see
Her in her bed and with tears in her eyes, so he walked over to moonlight 's bed, sat down and said "Moon, don't cry please tell me what the matter?"
"I was going to see you but I saw you
Walking  over to cass and I went back to my room" answered Moonlight.

Then he said" I'm so sorry Moon, but cass said that you like me is that true?" "yes, I do I have for two years and a half now but you never notice" moonlight said. "moon, I have somethings for you", said varian as he
Pulled out a necklace and show her and said "this is the element I made you moonlum", varian said as he put it on her " It boutiful ,thank you, but where are the other gifts?" she asked Varian."This" said Varian before he pressed his lips on hers as he kissed her she soften in to the kiss but he pulled away "and I want you to be my
Girlfriend? " asked Varian. "yes I will be your girlfriend" said Moonlight.

Then Rapunzel knocked on the the door and said "can I come in?" "Yes Raps" said Moonlight. At that Rapunzel opened the door to see Varian and moonlight holding hands and said "my ships sealed and Varian,
Moon were are going to see the black rocks" "sure" said Varian and Moonlight.

As they went to old corona to see the
Black rocks, and varian said "they sprouted here a couple of days ago" as
He said Rapunzel step forward to the rocks and her hair glows "fascinating your must be corneted to the rock" said varian. "Varian you must keep it a secret only me and the others" said Rapunzel. As varian look at Rapunzel,
Cassandra and his girlfriend and said
"I promise to keep it a secret". As Moonlight and the others were about to go home but Varian stopped her and said "On the day of hearts I'm coming to see you sweetheart" "okay
Varbear see you then" and she kissed him on the cheek and went home with Rapunzel and cassandra.

A/n that was a long chapter
I hope you guys love it and you should checkout FoxPower_1000 book varian x reader one-shots and
See you in the next chapter


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