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you never considered yourself a party goer. you don't even consider yourself an extrovert. so the thought of being shoved around in a crowded frat house sounds anything but pleasant.

you can't help but laugh to yourself a little, though, as you stand by the stairs in some stranger from alpha cappa delta something's house. the music is blaring through the speakers which are across the room, next to the drinks table.

when the facebook invitation said a "party to meet new people", this wasn't what you had envisioned. i didn't even know there were frats at art schools, you think. what a way to start off your freshman year.

you can't help but feel a little awkward, standing by the stairs, alone, your arms wrapped around your self and a blank look on your face. most of the people are too busy mingling or drinking to even notice you, though. but you're not an outcast, or weirdo. at least not yet. most of the people at this party are new and looking for a stranger to connect with. most of the people.

your phone buzzes in your pocket; salvation. you take it out and see who texted you.

(1) message from:
Noah (from video studies)

>hey, did u come?

yeah, i'm standing by the stairs like a dweeb<
i'm all alone<

>don't worry, i'll come save u

you shove your phone back in your pocket and keep your eyes peeled for a short red head coming your way. the crowd of people on the "dance floor" start to move as one, swaying back and forth. a song you don't know is playing, and they seem really into the groove of it.

Noah makes his way through the waves of people and finally meets you at the stairs. he steps up on to the platform, but is still lacking about 6 inches on you.

before you can say hi to him a much taller figure appears behind him, his hand on Noah's shoulder, catching you off guard.

"i'm so glad you came, i literally don't know anyone here!" Noah said and pulled the boy behind him closer.
"yeah, it's... pretty crowded," you replied.
"have you had anything to drink yet? do you want a drink? i can make you one!" he told you, his words blending together.

"thanks but, i think i'll pass. i don't drink," you shrugged and looked down at your sneakers.
"there's soda," a voice said, but not Noah's. you looked up and it was the boy behind him who spoke.

the disco lights and overall dimness of the party got in your way of seeing him, but you could still hear his voice. it wasn't deep, but it was captivating.

"i could go for a ginger ale," you offered.
"sweet, let's go!" Noah said, grabbing your hand and dragging you into the sea of kids.

walking through the crowd of people felt like trying to walk across a boat going 30 miles an hour over crashing waves. Noah's grip pulled you through and the three of you landed safely at the drinks table.

the light was brighter on this side of the room and the nameless voice spoke again. "are you sure you don't want a drink?" he poured what looked like vodka into the classic red cup and picked up a bottle of pink lemonade.

"i'll pass, thanks though." you said.
"smart girl. this stuff is horrible for you," he said, taking a giant sip of his drink. he wiped what had spilled out of his cup off of his chin, looking at you.

the red, pulsing light made your eyes look darker, and deeper. you couldn't tell what the color of his were, but by the looks of it they weren't just one. the light cast dark red shadows on his cheek bones, and that's the most you could examine of him, before Noah caught your attention.

"holy shit," he shouted, slamming an empty shot glass onto the table. "tequila fucks me right up!"

you rolled your eyes at Noah but still laughed. it amazed you how much alcohol could fit into such a tiny dude. "okay, i wanna dance. now!" Noah's voice was shrill, but so was the music.

Noah shimmied through you and stood on the outskirts of the crowd. "you coming?" he asked and held his hand out.
"no, not yet at least. i still need my ginger ale!" you shouted. he shrugged and you watched him disappear into the sea of dancing feet.

you turned back around to the nameless boy, who was holding a cup out in front of you. "drink," he said, monotone.
"what's in it?" you asked him. he stared at you, his eyelids low over his irises. you sniffed your drink and from what you could tell, it was just ginger ale.

"just soda," he finally replied. you took a sip and he was right.
"thanks" you told him.
"now try this," he handed you another red solo cup. you took it and looked down at it. the liquid inside looked like a black hole in the bottom of your cup. there wasn't much in it.

"what the hell is this?" you asked. the boy just winked, and said, "magic".

Midnight Moon//timothéeXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now