192 7 0


April 8th 2019

In the car Lola have the aux cord so she was putting the song she like and that mean a lot of why don't we song. She know the word by heart. She was putting a different song when free by why don't we came on and that like the only song I like of the so I start to sing whiteout noticing that I was the only one singing

You should be flyin' with me
You could be smilin' with me
You wouldn't be cryin' with me
We could be wildin'
We could be free
And if the sky falls I'll catch it
Just to steal you a star
I'll ride into battle for you
Just so we could
We could be free
We could be free
We could be free
We could be free
We could be free
We could be free
We could be free
We could be free
You're so invitin' with me
Shot gun you're ridin' with me
You're lookin' lighted with me
We could be wildin'
We could be free
And if the sky falls I'll catch it
Just to steal you a star
I'll ride into battle for you
Just so we could
We could be free
We could be free
We could be free
We could be free
We could be free
We could be free
We could be free
We could be free

I stop singing when I realized that I was the only one singing and that Thomas and Lola were filming me.

Sam: what!
Thomas: you are still a good singer
Sam: thank
Lola: holy fuck how do you now that lyric of that song and how can you swing so good
Sam: that like the only song I like of them and I am not a good singer
Thomas: do you know why the parents always put you at some music camp during summer
Sam: because they didn't want to take care of me
Thomas: yes but not that why a music camp and no other
Sam: I don't know
Thomas: because they know that you have a really good voice you should start something with that voice
Sam: I don't know I don't think I am that good to do that
Lola: you are and to prove it I am gonna post the video of you singing and let's see how many view your gonna have
Sam: like 10 view and that all of my friends
Lola: I sure you're gonna have more so let's wait for the results and let's go to make a show come live.
Sam: ok let's gooooo!

We arrived to the place Belle and I am the only one that can open the front door so we enter by that way and when all the person that gonna us step everything before the band come I lock the front door because we can have some fan coming really early. I go and unlock the back door so when the band gonna come they could just enter with no problem.

So I got my team ready and they start placing everything me and Lola went in the office where I have to do something before the band come.

Lola: and what can I do
Sam: humm... wait and be the nice little girl you are
Lola: oh come on I came to helo
Sam: yeah your gonna help when the band is coming
Lola: and how
Sam: you know the place by heart
Lola: yes I have been here I thousand time
Sam: so your gonna go help them with where are the loge and everything for them to get ready
Lola: ok so I just have to wait
Sam: exactly

I work on something and when I finish I look up to Lola

Sam: see it was not that bad
Lola: they are here
Sam: no they are coming in two hour but me I am finish
Lola: ok so what are we gonna do
Sam: I don't know
Lola: let's get some food for all the team
Sam: ok let's do that
Lola and Sam: PIZZA
Lola: I call
Sam: I am gonna pay

We wait for the pizza to come and got all the team back together. We were having fun eating and talking when my phone ring.

The call
Sam: hello
Tyler: were can we enter
Sam: excuse me but who are you
Tyler: omg right sorry I am Tyler seavey on of the manager for the why don't we boys
Sam:oh yes. You can enter by the back door
Tyler: ok do we need to wait because it's lock
Sam: no it's already unlocked I be there for you guys
Tyler: ok perfect we are gonna be there in 5 minutes
Sam: I will be waiting
End call

Lola: who was that
Sam: they are coming in 5 minutes
Lola: ok and wha...
Sam: everyone get here please
Sam: so the band is coming in 5 minutes I need everybody at there place and I need this place to be clean when I come back with them
All: ok
Lola: where are we going us
Sam: come with me we are gonna go to the back I say that I was gonna wait for them
Lola: ok let's go

Lola POV
We got to the back door and that look like the most longest five minutes ever

Lola: five minutes five minutes my ass
Sam: calm down they are gonna be there in three minutes
Lola: wait what that just two minutes that we are waiting
Sam: yes now calm down
Lola: ok ok

We wait for the band to come and I was stress I don't know why because I don't know who it is. But I got my idea.

When the guys came in view I open the door for them and they all look at me. I made them my most welcome smile. I look to Lola to see the biggest smile on her face she is one of the biggest fan of why don't we and she can meet them now

Tyler: hey you most be Sam
Sam: I am
Tyler: so this is Zach, Jack, Corbyn and Jonah
Sam: wait did you not say that you guys have five singer because I got everything ready for five
Tyler: yes the other one Daniel is coming just now
Daniel: sorry I was helping to get the guitar out of the bus

I froze he is here in front of me the same blue eyes that I know for 4 year now.

Sam: so my assistant Lola is gonna take you guys to your loge and the make up artist and stylist to there room too
Tyler: thank you

I cannot believe I saw him again in my life and I don't think he recognized me.

Summer camp is the past ~ Daniel Seavey Where stories live. Discover now