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Two month later
The guys are taking a brake during there tour. Yes Daniel did give me his number we talk sometime but we know it not the same like when we were in camp. Not gonna I am sad that Daniel didn't text me that much. I got more close to Corbyn ans Zach than Daniel. Daniel should update me sometime and give me a little bit of is time but not that much. On the other hand Corbyn and Zach were calling me at least 3 or 4 time a week the three of us would talk hour and have fun. I would sometime see Jack and Jonah in the call but not Daniel.


June 18th 2019

So I got some new today from Corbyn they are gong to Hawaii with some of here friends so he and Zach could not call me a lot so he just didn't want me to get scared if they didn't answer.

I was happy for them that they got to have some free time with all the hard work they do. Me on the other I have a lot to do I have show on show on show. This month is the one that got most show and I have not been sleeping a lot if I sleep is on the couch in my office not really comfortable but do the job. So that what it's my life work work work and no free time.

I don't got free time because in my free time I am filming some cover for my YouTube channel since I start I got a lot of followers and I even made my own song. A lot of people over what I am doing and I love that it's something that I was dreaming to do since I was little. Right now in my free time I am in the studio and I am recording a ep for my fan. I love them a lot and they made me happy. I got one more song to finish and my five song on my ep are gonna be ready to be release.

Corbyn POV
I know that I lie to Sam about us going directly to Hawaii we are gonna go to Montreal before we go to Hawaii. I know she is gonna release her first ep soon and all of the guys and me want to be there for her. It's a big step in her life and we want to do it with her.

So right we are gonna go to the airport I am texting Lola to know what Sam is doing

The text


What up

We are at the airport of LA and going to Montreal

Wait what you guys are coming this week

Yes don't say you forgot

I am so sorry I forgot and I didn't see Sam during the whole week she have a lot of show right now at the place belle and she don't have time to sleep at home so she stay in her office

For real

Yeah I am sorry o completely forgot I was working on Sam ep

I didn't know you were working for her

I am not we did a song together

For real


I didn't know you could sing

Yeah I was at music camp with Sam and Daniel

For real

Yes and if Daniel talk to you about a girl that was annoying and always on him and try to brake what he have with Sam

Yes I remember that part of the story

I look really stupid now

No you don't

Yes I am Corbyn I was that girl

Oh god really

Yeah but me and Sam are good but I don't know if Daniel knew it's was me

I think he now not a lot of girl got the same name as you

But I was younger when I did that but I change

I am sure you did cutie

I think I am gonna go get Sam for her work

Ok and you do what

I am gonna obligated her to go to sleep in her bed get some rest tomorrow we are going to the studio

And that we're me and the boys come in and surprise her

Yes and you guys need to wait we have to do some touch on a song and we are good

You just text us

Ok perfect
And you text me when you get at the airport
Text me when you at the hotel
And please text me the name of your hotel
For me to know how long it's take form your hotel to the studio

Yes mom I'll do all of that

Thank you now I need to go get Sam

Go get her and be save

Yes bye


End of the text

We got in the plaine we were off to go to Montreal 6 hours of plane let's go. It's gonna be fun

Lola POV
I just text Sam that I am gonna pick her up and that she don't have a choice to come with me. When I get there I saw Sam sitting on the ground for me I open the window and scream her name. She look at me with big bag under her eyes. She get up form the floor and came in the car.

Lola: you look like you are dead what did you do
Sam: I got two hour of sleep each day
Lola: Sam that not good for you we are going back to your house you sleep for the rest of the day until tomorrow and when you wake up tomorrow at the hour you want after we go to the studio make sure everything is ready for your ep and we released the ep. ok
Sam: yes and I am happy you came and got me I would have able to be there a other hour
Lola: I am always gonna be there for you
Sam: thank you

We enter the house I took all of Sam think and got here clean clothes and put them in the bathroom I ask her to go take a shower and change and go to sleep. She did what I ask and after a hour or so I got in bed to and sleep at her house.

Summer camp is the past ~ Daniel Seavey Where stories live. Discover now