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He really, really, really didn't want to go to Gravity Falls.
It had been a fun trip when he was twelve and had a crush on Wendy but he was seventeen and she had married some gothic schmuck with accountant parents.
And he wasn't sure but sometimes he got the distinct sense that whatever had happened to his Grunkles Stan and Ford when they were younger wasn't quite buried for good.
And he was pretty sure that his Ford had been lying when he said that he had no idea how a rift had been formed again.
But after Weirdmaggedon, he didn't want to rock the boat.
Unfortunately, that was all Mabel did.
His fun-loving sister was no longer wearing braces and had - finally- outgrown her boy craze.
She was still the resident overbearing optimist but now there was a steel to her and an empathy that didn't just wear her heart on its sleeve - it bedazzled it.
And once she had heard that their Grunkles were back from their latest monster-hunting jaunt, it would take Bill Cipher himself to try to stop her.
He snorted aloud, prompting his parents to give him a strange look as Mabel rolled her eyes.
She knew what he was thinking about.
A couple summers ago, they had gotten a bit of a fright when someone had decided to recreate Weirdmaggedon themselves.
And resummon the dream demon.
Of course, a bit of salt and an extra helping of Mabel's grappling hook and the town was safe.
"Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad!"
Picking up the suitcases, he follows after his sister into the woods.
Only to drop those suitcases as his Grunkles swarmed him with laughter and raucous hugs.
He didn't know why but he really, really didn't trust Ford.
And he still really, really, really didn't want to be in Gravity Falls.

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