When You Makeup

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-It had been a few weeks since then and you were both destroyed
-both of your heart's ached, you both just wanted to see each other again
-so eventually Shinso couldn't take it anymore and he ran to your door and knocked on it
-you opened it, only to see Shinso.
-it hurt to do it but you tried to shut the door
-he put his leg in the way so the door wouldn't budge
-"what do you want." You glared at him but in reality you just wanted to leap into his arms and never let go
-"I am so so so sorry (Y/N)!" He cried out.
-"I know that you'd never lie to me! You're the most trustworthy person I've ever met! I trust you with everything! I don't know why I said that... I was just angry at something else. I used my quirk because... I don't even remember why that doesn't matter. The thing that does matter is what I'll promise you right now. I promise I'll never ever use my quirk on you! I love you with all my heart! I'm extremely sorry for hurting you like that, and I understand if you don't forgive me, but I'm sorry." He yelled all at once
-your eyes widened and that's when you noticed people had come out of there dorms to look at you two
-you blushed and quickly dragged him inside your dorm and shut the door
-you wrapped your arms around his waist and buried your face in his chest
-"I forgive you..." you whispered
-he sighed and picked you up and sat you down on the bed and then you both fell asleep cuddling
-im serious this time
-all pure this time

-you felt absolutely horrible as soon as you left
-but you assumed that he wouldn't want to talk to you after that so you didn't go back
-a week past
-you didn't come out of your dorm
-you felt horrible. You regretted everything you said to him. He had to have had a reason for going out so much, right?
-him on the other hand, he was even worse
-he felt sick
-he kept hanging out with Neijire and Mirio every day despite how awful he felt
-his anxiety kept him from going and apologizing to you (Readers: baby boy you don't need to apologize- Author-Chan does for being such a bitch
Me: I am so sorry I am an awful person for hurting the child-)
-eventually you couldn't take it anymore so you rushed to Tamaki's door and gently knocked so you wouldn't startle him too much
-he opened it slowly and then he saw you
-"(Y-Y/N)-" you cut him off
-"Tamaki, don't say anything I need to apologize! You did nothing wrong and I am so sorry for yelling at you like that! You must've had a reason for not hanging out with me recently! Please forgive me Tamaki! I don't know what I'd do without you!" You said
-he opened his door all the way
-his eyes were red and puffy and tears stained his cheeks, his shirt damp from his crying
-your heart basically broke when you saw him. You slowly hugged him so, again, you wouldn't startle him
-he hugged you back immediately and brought you inside before closing his door
-"I-I'm sor-" he started
-"Don't apologize! You didn't do anything!" You reassured him
-"I'm sorry for n-not spending time with you lately." He apologized despite you telling him not to
-"The reason w-why is because..." he said walking over to his desk drawer and pulling something out
-"N-Neijire and Mirio w-were helping m-me make this!" He said handing you the small box
-you looked at him curiously for a second before slowly taking the top of the box off
-inside was a homemade charm bracelet.
-every part of it was made from scratch
-it had a heart carved into it with "(Your initials) x T.A." in the middle
-it also had multiple charms on it
-a purple octopus
-a (H/C) cat (your quirk is Neko)
-(your favorite flower)
-and a 89ywimi (I dropped my phone and that's what got typed lmao) i mean and a tulip (I'm pretending that's his fav flower)

-"T-Tamaki... it's beautiful!! You made this!?" You teared up
-"I had some h-help..." he said
-you leaped up and hugged him
-"Thank you so much! I love you Tamaki!" You kissed his cheek.
-his face erupted in red
-"I l-love you m-more." He smiled shyly
-you giggled and rubbed your nose against his (isn't that called Eskimo kiss?)
-"I doubt that!"

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