C-Rank with Todoroki

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        The next day at school was a very long one for Robin. As she entered 1-A for the day, a familiar feeling nagged at the back of her mind. It was the feeling that a bond was about to deepen. Robin groaned quietly as she knew it was the bond with Shouto and she was dreading that conversation. The tactician of Ylisse did not want to nurture any bonds with anyone here, as she wanted to leave this world with no strings attached. But because she fought alongside Shouto, talked with him during and between classes, and as well as having that study session, the bond with him had started to nurture. As much as Robin wanted to ignore Shouto and maybe try to prevent the bond from nurturing, she couldn't bring herself to and didn't want to make things awkward. Putting on a neutral face, Robin braces herself for the very long day ahead of her.

Classes seemed to drag on all morning. The first half of the day felt like a month to Robin. Eventually, lunch came around and, as was now routine, Robin went with Shouto, Deku, Iida and Uraraka. Once they all had their food and sat down, Robin listened to the conversation for the most part since she was lost in her thoughts. If her bond with Shouto deepened this quickly, the tactician theorized that her bonds with Iida, Deku and Uraraka would probably deepen soon. One thing she found odd was that her bond with Midnight felt almost... nonexistent despite how friendly the Pro-Hero was and that they lived with one another. Robin suspected it was like how she tried to connect with Lon'qu - just a bond that needed more time and work. That was a good note for her as it meant one less bond. This train of thought reminded her that she needed to find a way to the others back home in Ylisse. Maybe if she-

Her train of thought was interrupted as a hand was waving in front of her face very rapidly. Snapping back into reality, Robin noticed that Iida was the sourcing of the flailing hand in front of her face. The purple haired female then takes a look at the faces around the table. Concern was on Deku's and Uraraka's faces while Shouto simply arched his white eyebrow at her.

"Yes...? Is something the matter...?" Robin asks her... friends.

"Well, you weren't responding to anything so we got worried. You were also being more quiet than you normally are..." Uraraka explains.

"Ah, I apologize... What was your question?" Robin says, wondering what she missed that was so important.

"We were wondering if you were alright. You were just staring off into the distance with a really sad look in your eyes" Deku relays.

"Oh, I'm fine. I just tend to get lost in my thoughts every once and a while," Robin says, waving off their concern.

"And the sad look?" Uraraka asks softly. She wouldn't push the topic if Robin didn't want to talk about it.

"Just.... Missing those close to me is all," Robin answers with a sad smile. It wasn't a complete lie, after all, she really did miss Chrom, Lucina and the Shepherds. Besides, she knew she didn't have to specify who she meant since the four would assume that she meant her "parents". The Plegian thought she saw something flicker across Shouto's heterochromatic eyes. However, she brushes it off.

"I see! If you ever need a shoulder to lean on or a an ear to borrow, I as your class rep and friend will gladly offer such to help you through your grievance!" Iida says.

"Us too!" Uraraka chimes in. Robin smiles a fake but believable smile at the four.

"Thank you. I'll keep that in mind," Robin says. Soon enough, the bell goes off, signifying that lunch had come to a close. Unlike the morning classes, the afternoon ones went by quickly. The afternoon class that had worried Robin the most was Hero Training, as she expected that she would be fighting alongside her peers again. But she was proven wrong upon gathering outside one of the training areas. To her surprise, she was going to be facing off against the other twenty students of 1-A. The tactician couldn't help the faintest smirk that appeared on her lips.

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