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Daehwi and y/n were best friends before they were together. Daehwi is a vampire and before they were together, Daehwi told y/n he was a vampire. y/n laughed at his 'joke' but it was real. Daehwi showed y/n his fangs.

y/n:bite me.


y/n:You will never bite me unless I let you right?

Dae:Yes I promise.

y/n:I like you but I was afraid to get rejected so I didn't confess. As long as you don't bite me UNLESS I say so, I would love to be with you.

Dae:So it's a yes?

y/n:Of course 바보!(Fool!)

Dae:y/n! Come back here!!

y/n:No. Catch me if you can!

Dae:I'm faster than you. See! I'll stop moving and you keep running. I will catch you in 3 seconds.

Daehwi back hugs y/n.

y/n:Daehwi, why are you cute? You're too cute to be a vampire...

Dae:I know. I love that. I love it. I want people to think I'm a normal person.

y/n:사랑해!(I love you!)

Dae:나도 사랑해!(I love you too!)

y/n:Is your family all vampire?

Dae:Yep but I don't know where are they nowadays. I think they left country.

y/n:So you are alone in your house nowadays.

Dae:Can you stay with me??

y/n:Of course.

Dae:I get to call you 자기야(honey) right?

y/n:Yes. Call me anything sweet, I wouldn't mind.

y/n winked at Daehwi and Daehwi got flustered.

y/n:You are cute. 가자!(Lets go!)


y/n and Daehwi went to Daehwi's house. Daehwi locked the basement because there are blood bags there.

y/n:How much do you drink blood everyday?

Dae:1/14. It's very little already. Some vampires drink the whole thing. I don't. I only drink 1/14 everyday. I'll show how much it is in a cup.

y/n:Ok. But have you drank yet?

Dae:No I haven't. I drink at night so in school I don't crave as much as I usually do.

y/n:You are a friendly kind of vampire right?

Dae:Come on! I'm too adorable to be one. You admitted that!

y/n:Ok fine. Dae, drink the blood now. You might even start crave for my blood.

Daehwi nodded and pulled y/n to the basement which was locked. He went towards a freezer there. He opened it and there were blood bags everywhere in the freezer. y/n felt puking. Daehwi saw her reaction, took one blood bag and closed the freezer as fast as he can.

He pulled y/n upstairs and then locked the basement door. He got the blood bag and then pulled y/n to the kitchen. He showed how much he drinks and y/n was surprised. He drinks 50 mL of blood only everyday. Dae hid the blood bag and then carried y/n to his room.

Dae:So anymore questions about vampires?

y/n:I could ask you anytime right?

Dae:Of course, 자기야!(honey!)

y/n:How long can you survive without blood?

Dae:Around 3 days for me because I only drink 50mL everyday and it's not really enough for vampires. For others it's usually-

y/n:I asked you. Not the others. I only care for you. I'll give you blood if you need.

Dae:It's painful for you. I will never take your blood.

y/n:Cute. Ok. Do you kill people for their blood just for you to drink?

Dae:I don't kill people. I take a tint of blood only and then we make them forget that thing only. My family isn't the killer type of vampire but we are still a little aggressive.

y/n:I don't think you're aggressive. You are more like adorable and handsome.

Dae:Aw... Thank you for the compliment, 자기야!(Baby!) Anymore questions?

y/n:Can I stay here for the night? I want to sleep with you for the first time.


y/n:네!(Yes!) I really want to.

Dae:Call your parents first. I'm scared that they'll get worried.

y/n:Yes, my adorable vampire.

y/n called her parents and they let y/n sleepover.

y/n:They let me.

Dae:자기야... 진짜 정말 사랑해.(Baby... I really love you.)

y/n:나도 진짜 정말 사랑해요, 이대휘!(I really love you too, Lee Daehwi/Daehwi Lee!)

This is just cute. Imagine Daehwi being a vampire.😂 He is too adorable.

y/n is 17 years old and Daehwi is 18 years old

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