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Three: In which a certain two people get stuck under some mistletoe.
Harry had a hunch. And he was absolutely certain that, for once, it was a hunch that was correct. Draco Malfoy had to be a Death Eater.
Usually, whenever the 'Chosen One' thought something, the truth was the opposite. Snape hadn't been stealing the Philosophers Stone. Sirius hadn't been a mass murderer. And nor had he been being tortured at the hands of Lord Voldermort.
It still hurt to think about his godfather. The gaping wound in his heart was too fresh, too painful. Sirius Black had been like a father to Harry. If only Snape hadn't caught him in the Shrieking Shack in third year. If only Harry himself hadn't been stupid enough to believe Voldermort's use of Leglimency... If only.
To be honest, this year had been rubbish so far. With no Sirius, he had scarcely anyone to send owls to. (Remus tended to send a lot of advice and a bit of chocolate) Ron and Hermione, his two best friends, had done nothing but argue with each other. Harry had been left to liaison with the two, and make the difficult decision of who to sit with at mealtimes. More often than not it was Neville, who was blissfully unaware of the conflict between his two best mates.
Harry needed someone. And not someone like Hermione, or even Ron. Someone who loved him. As more than just a friend. Harry had harboured a crush (or six) on Ginny Weasley for quite a while, but she had a boyfriend now. Someone she was happy with. And someone less dangerous. So Ginny was out of the question. So am I going to be alone forever then....? I mean, there are plenty of girls, but none of them really interest me.
Across the hall, the blonde Slytherin got out of his seat, casting shady looks around the hall. Bingo!
Harry leapt up, leaving a slightly confused Neville staring at his receding back. "Uh...Harry? I was telling you about the Mandrake scarves I've been knitting!"
"Maybe later, Nev!" called back Harry, as he scanned the hall for Malfoy.
After a few seconds, Harry found him stalking down to the grand doors that formed the exit. He even looks suspicious.... Leaving meals early, concealing things from his friends, hiding in corridors, ridiculously good looking.... Nope. Let's not even go there...
Harry continued his walk down the hall, ignoring the rather obvious glanced that positively everyone was shooting him. The Slytherin boy was just leaving the hall, and behind him, Filch was cleaning the floor. The grumpy old caretaker was muttering about the 'uncleanliness of children' and 'the goodness of my heart'.
Pah. Goodness, Filch? Nope, Harry laughed to himself, trying to imagine a friendly Filch. And promptly skidded on the wet floor, slid down the hall and collided into none but Draco Malfoy.
"Damn you, Potter! You prat!"
Harry jumped up immediately and looked sheepishly at Malfoy. "Sorry... I just knocked you biggie."
"You didn't just knock me over! You knocked me into the mistletoe!"
Oh. Shit.
The Hogwarts mistletoe wasn't just mistletoe. It was mistletoe that held you captive until you got a kiss.
I am not kissing this prick of a death eater. Nope.
Malfoy's face was ashen, just the slightest hint of pink in his cheeks. "You wanna stay here all day?"
"Not really," said Harry, sheepishly shifting his weight from one foot to another. "Not really at all."
"Don't enjoy it too much," whispered Draco as he leant in.
Nope. Nope nope nope nope what the heck is he doing?
Harry recoiled in shock as Malfoy's mouth met his. The Slytherin's top lip was chapped, a small scar just under his nose. Harry couldn't help but feel that Malfoy was fighting for dominance, but met him with resistance, still unsure of what was happening. At last he relented and let Draco nearer, feeling a warm body press into his. He tasted of apples and smoke, and his cold hands lightly touched Harry's back.
A wolf whistle came from somewhere behind them, and Draco pulled away, released from the mistletoes charm. He straightened the green tie and looked the other boy in his similarly coloured eyes. "Later."
And then he was gone, leaving Harry staring as he stalked off into the snow.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2014 ⏰

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