Chapter one (the boring bit)(jokes jokes)

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Just before you start reading,
I want you to know there is a little bit of incest (not technically they're cousins) in this, hardly any but Minami does't notice when she's being super suductive 😜😉
And also I just want you to know thank you so much for actually reading this.
When there's brackets it's usually my own comment, or joke which I coulden't stand not to put or its extra information about the object or something. SORRY for future reference. ALSO(sorry) there are a lot of anime references, mainly black butler and naruto.
THANKYOU you may now proceed👇👍
A girl with brown hair walked throw large gates and knocked on the door.
The door opened and she saw a boy with a purple-black hair and glasses.
"Can I help you?" He asked and raised an eyebrow
"Huh, oh umm?!" She stuttered, and he looked at her blankly
"Ohhhh, Reiji-kun, who this cute girl?" A teenage boy with red hair and a fedora hat said
"U-um, you don't remember m-"
"Who's this, she looks a little familiar somehow.." A another boy with purple hair who was holding a stuffed bear said.
"That because I'm yo-"
"WILL ANY OF YOU EVER SHUT THE HELL UP" a boy with white hair with red at the ends yelled as he punched a wall making a dent.
"What up with you guys, I'm trying to eat my Takayoki in peace...who's that?"
The brown hair girl sighed,
"I give up...none of them remember me..." She mumbled
"Well, Lolita-chan do you want to play with me" the boy with the red hair and fedora said and pulled the girl's arm
"Hey wai-" she stuttered
"You idiots, that's Minami..." A boy with curly blond hair who was face palming said.

"Huh, who's that?" All of them asked
"Y-you really don't remember me, well at least shuu does" Minami said sighing in relief
"Huh?" All of them asked again
"Minami....Minami sakumaki..." She said looking at them weirdly
"W-we have a sister?!?!?!" They all shouted
Shuu and Minami both face palmed
"No ,I'm your cousin" Minami said
"She's staying with us because....well because he said so" shuu said walking off with Minami
"Who's 'he' ?" Minami asked

"Here's your room, if there's anything you need just asked reiji" shuu said
"Okay, thank you!" Minami said with a big smile

Minami walked in to her room and closed the door and started unpacking.


Minami sat next to shuu and subaru, Ayato and another girl sat across from her.
"So how exactly are you related to us" Reiji asked
" your dad has a brother who is my dad who is a slut...just so you know" Minami said looking at her plate holding her fork, deciding what to eat.

They all looked at her confused
"And who may your father be?" Reiji asked
"Sabastian, do not ask such questions" Minami mumbled narrowed her eyes at Reiji.
Reiji looked at her confused, shuu and subaru, being he only once who herd her, sweat dropped.

"Richard" shuu said

"RICHARD IS YOUR DAD?!" Ayato shouted

"A-Ayato-kun calm down" the girl With blonde hair said
"yes, well you only have one uncle right ...vthe one raito killed...yes.. that one" Minami said picking up a carrot with her fork and putting it in her mouth
"Omgggg, these carrots are soooo sweet!!" Minami yelled gleefully and stabbed 4 more carrot pieces and put them her her mouth
"Yummy, there's only ever a handful of carrots this sweet and you ain't getting any!" She Squeald (yes ,she's like carrots)

Everyone but Shuu just looked at her even more confused and continued to stare at her
" so your not angry that Raito killed him...?"Subaru asked

Minami looked at them confused
", should I be?" Minami asked
They all continued to look at her as if she were a weirdo (well she is)

"H-hey, you three are the ones who killed your mum, and you can't look at me like that ether SEBASTIAN....I MEAN REIJI" Minami said pointing fingures at them

"How do you know that?" Reiji asked

"Of course I know, I've lived with uncle...well your dad, nearly my whole life" Minami said scratching the back of her head
" what about Ritchard?" Ayato asked
"I hardly knew him. He didn't want me, I never even needed Him" Minami said crossing her arms and sinking down in to her chair.

"So then why are you here and not the under world" Reiji asked

"Hahaha...well shit happens and it turns out im pretty dumb for my age, So I had to go to a human school were the classes are easier" Minami said nervously

" but I can't believe you guys don't remember me, of course Shuu did, but... SEBASTIAN, um, Reiji....I expected better from you" Minami said shaking her head, getting a frown from Reiji

"And you three, we used to play together all the time when we were little, I can't believe you didn't recognise me" Minami said Chibi crying, receiving a few confused looks

"And...well I did't really know you Subaru,so that's fine. But we have plenty of time to become best friend, since I'm in the same year as you!" Minami said hugging Subaru from the side
"Hey, GET OFF ME!?" Subaru yelled

"Okay, okay." Minami said smiling and let go of him
"so, so, Ayato who's this lady?" Minami asked and the blond hair girl looked at her.
"i-I'm Yui kimori, nice to meet you" Yui said and nodded her head
"Yo, I'm Minami Sakamaki, if you didn't already get that" Minami said eating another carrot.

"thankyou, Minami out " Minami said saluting(I'm not sure if that's how you spell it but it's the thing soldiers do) and dissapered in to her room.
"That girl has less mannered then Shuu" Reiji muttered

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