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Jealousy. I laugh at myself to even think I'd begun to feel such a ridiculous thing. Amelia is my best friend that's it. We're nothing more. Yeah, maybe now I looked at her a bit differently but it's just the way I look at most beautiful women.

She'd covered herself up before we'd gotten older. I had never really paid much attention to any of her assets before. The only time I'd really ever paid much attention to them was when she'd gotten that boyfriend Evan. He was one of the only guys that didn't seem to mind me being around. Maybe it was because I was fifteen and Amelia was seventeen at the time.

The majority of the guys Amelia dated were always older than her. That meant they were usually at least a good five to six years older than me. None of them ever really paid attention to the two of us hanging out. Well, they didn't pay attention or care until I'd gotten a bit older and grown into myself. Once I reached my full height and build is when the guys she dated looked at me much differently.

Her last year of college was definitely proof of that. Even if the guys she saw were older they were intimidated by me. None of the guys she dated stuck around for long. No, after watching Amelia run into my arms and hug me, in a way I knew they'd never gotten, they couldn't stand me. I think the main reason they disliked me so much was the clear warning I gave every single one of them. The protective glare each of them got clearly stated that if they hurt her in any way, shape, or form I'd fucking murder them.

The way she ran into my arms at the airport was another one of those moments. When she'd walked out of the door I didn't pay attention to who held it for her. No, I couldn't see anything but her running toward me with that beaming smile. That run and smile told me she was ecstatic to see me. I'd caught her with as much enthusiasm, closing my eyes as I'd done so. But after a moment I'd opened them.

When my eyes had taken in his large frame, business attire, and arrogant smirk on his face, I'd immediately felt overly protective. I'd squeezed her in my arms just a touch tighter while I kept my eyes on him. Once I let her go he'd clearly been a bit uncomfortable. I hoped that was enough to scare this older man away from her but the statement he made and the grin he gave her before he left told me otherwise.

Then we'd slept together, again. We'd done things I'd never done with anyone else, dangerous things. Amelia was right though this morning when she said that this couldn't be a thing. I'm in Vegas and she's in Boston and who knew where the fuck this Rhoen guy was going to be.

What kind of fucking name is Rhoen anyway?

I don't care and it doesn't matter because Amelia was right. Yeah, the sex was good but the friendship was better. It's about the only healthy relationship with a woman that I can maintain outside of my mother and my sister. I should've kept my cock out of it, which is why I am where I am now.

"Is that it?" The teller looks at me with a completely unperturbed face.

"I think six boxes of condoms should cover it." I pull out a wad of cash when she tells me the total. Once I get my change I immediately head back to my room with the bag in tow. Jealous. I'll show Amelia just how completely unfazed I am with the thought of her having sex with another man.

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