3. Since when do badass dudes say shoot?

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A/N: Alright I'd just like to take this oppurtunity to thank the handful of people who are actually taking the time to read this story, it really means a lot. I'd like it if you people leave comments; I wanna know the feedback!!

Oh and they don't live in NYC, I changed that part in the prologue...tee hee.

Anyway, enjoy!!

“It’s like the sole purpose of his existence is to fuck up my day,” I complained about Alex to Terri from the passenger seat. I had just finished telling the girls about Alex and New Guy and everything that had happened earlier on that day. We were in Michelle’s car (a bright red Audi A3. Kind of a boring car, in my opinion. But Michelle has a thing for red cars, and her father was very proud of her making the honor list last year, so I guess I shouldn’t complain), on our way to Jack’s house for band practice. Terri (the keyboardist) and I were actual members of the band. Jenna and Michelle were just going because…they had nothing better to do.

“Guess he’s just one of those douchebags, girl,” Terri commented.

“Tell us more about New Guy!” Michelle squealed. “I saw him in Spanish class today. He’s soooo hot! I can’t believe he has a crush on you!”

“Wait, who has a crush on Meg? New Girl? Meg’s homosexual?” Jenna’s stream of questions left Michelle and Terri giggling while I let out an exasperated sigh.

“No one has a crush on me, and I’m as straight as shit,” I replied in a flat tone. “A guy can call you pretty without being violently in love with you.” The last part was directed towards Michelle.

“If you say so,” she replied. My eyes were on the road, but I could practically see her wink through the back of my head. Everyone fell quiet for a split second as Animals by Maroon 5 started playing on the radio. And of course, the song being Animals, we just had to sing along.

More like, screech along. None of us are great singers. Looking back, I actually feel bad for the people in the cars that passed by ours. If they did hear us, they’re probably getting some pretty fucked up night terrors.

I was kinda happy they’d finally dropped the New Guy subject, but after the song ended  Michelle piped up, “So go on, tell us about him.”

“I already told you everything there is to say. He’s tall, thin, square face, smells good—“

“Wait, what? You’ve been sniffing people?” Jenna’s reaction was weird but not unexpected. I was shocked at myself too, but I quickly recovered before saying, “Is it so weird to get a whiff of something you crash into with full force?”

“I guess not,” Jenna mused while the others laughed.

“He seems way more bearable than Alex, at any rate,” Terri said.  

“You know, I don’t think Alex is as bad as we make him out to be.”

Jenna’s comment caused the car to skid because Michelle had jerked the steering wheel too hard. Terri and I were pretty surprised too.

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