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(( I wrote this down about the veelas in this book, so this Chapter is just going to be stuff about veelas UwU ))


Female/Male humanoid magical beings that have the ability to drive men uncontrollably wild, especially when they 'turn on' their charm or preform the sensual dance for which their known


~Wandless Magic (Ability to wield fire, make fire, ECT.)
~Hypnotise (With dancing, or use of voice)
~Transformaton (Can transform into swans, snakes, horses, or wolfs)
~Transformation #2 (Birds, Dragons, and Hyppogrifs *Only Full blooded and Pure blooded veelas are able to turn into these*)
~Transformation #3 (Can change their appearance to anyone)

(More Magical Ability, but to much to list)

Facts (Not all listed bellow)

>Related to Sirens
>Abilities are usually based off of the fire and air elements
>Half-breeds can be male, but full blooded and pure blooded male veelas do not exist
>When gotten inheritance, they will look a little bit different, but they will change over the time span of 4 months before getting all of their inheritance
>Eyes are usually Blue or Grey, but can be a vary of other colors
>Veelas will grow wings around the third or fourth month
>When angry enough, their appearance can change
>Heats will last about a week or so
>Ruts will last about three and a half days
>When transforming into someone else, they will always leave some trace of Veela in their features or on their body, no matter who they turn into
>Tails can grow on Veelas, but are pretty rare for one to
> Veelas can breath underwater, even though they have a lot of fire magical ability, but the ones that live in water usually dont grow wings
>Veelas have human mates, but if they mate with other veelas, neither will most likely not produce babies, but if they do, the baby is consider a pure blooded veela
> Veela will meet their mates once in a lifetime


·Agressive (Dominate)
·Stubborn (Submissive)
·Emotional (Either or both)


×White-gold hair
×Moon-light skin
×Blue, Grey eyes (Most of the time)
×Wings, tail (Matters if rare, and what climate they live in)
× Will have more of a feminine shape (No matter the sex)


~They can hide their Veela features, but for a period of time, the amount depends on the Veela
~Veelas can have water abilities, but are the most common for the Veelas that live near/in bodies of water
~Tatoos will appear on Veelas during inheritance but are almost always in a unnoticeable place
~Half-breeds will feel more pain during inheritance, due to their body never experiencing that kind of pain before
~Full blooded and Pure bloods (Which are almost the same thing) experience pain at least one or twice every two months, and they get inheritance earlier than Half-breeds. But after inheritance, Full/Pure bloods dont experience that kind of pain ever agian
~Their is different special abilities depending on the type (Agressive, Emotinal, Stubborn)


Type: Agressive

    This type of Veela is the most powerful type out of all of them. They will usually uncontrollably go on a rampage if threatened, or stressed enough. They have a soft side, but the only person who can experience that side is their mate.

Special Abilities

-Lie detector
-Animal talk


+They will never hurt their mate, but would kill someone if they hurt them
+Their weakness is being shown that they are weak


Type: Emotional

  This type is considered the weakest, but is actually the second strongest type. Emotional do get emotional sometimes, but hide it to make other people happy.

Special Abilities

-Past Eye
-Sharp Hearing


+Always there for their mate, even if they injure themselves doing it
+Their weakness is not being able to help others


Type: Stubborn

  Stubborn Veelas are the weakest out of all of the types, but are still really strong, and can indeed defeat a Aggresive type if they really try. They are the most likely to not get along with their mates at first, but get used to them, and start opening up, all their mate has to do is be patient.

Special Abilities

-Mind Reader
-Sharp Eye


+When finnaly opened up to their mate, they will start to tell them things that they havent told anyone before
+Their weakness is their mate getting hurt



The more time veelas spend with their mate, the more their connection grows. If their connection is strong enough, they can communicate telepathically, both will know if the other is hurt, they can sense eachothers feelings, and they can preform spells together. (Wandless Magic, ancient Veela spells, ECT.)


  When Veelas are ready, they will decide to mate with their other (their mate). If they want to bound them and their mate, they will have to do specific things during mating. Domanate veelas (Agressive, Emotinal) can in pregnant their mate, no matter the sex.


(( Ok thats all the information in my book, hope y'all actually decided to read through it UvU

Also you can try and guess which type Draco is, but you wont know until next chapter ÙvÚ

Words: 866))

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