~Common Clan Traits~

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This is a quite important part of making your Clan. It decides if your Clan is mostly hostile, kind or something else. This does not mean every cat has these traits but most of them probably do. For this part, I chose to use RP! (Role-play) 

You are on border patrol with some of your clanmates, and you see a patrol from another Clan marking their border inside your territory, and stealing prey. What do you do?

1. Fight immediately! What they're doing is against the warrior code and they must be stopped! (Me: Interesting...)

2. Send one cat from our patrol to alert the Leader, and the rest confront the cats from the other Clan. (Me: Cool)

3. KILL THEM ALL! (Me: Geez calm down!)

4. Confront them verbally, but if they want a fight, they can have one. (Me: Noice)

5. Chase them back onto their territory and make them give back the stolen prey. It's simple and harms no one. (Me: Smart)

6. Ask them why they are doing what they're doing. If they have a good reason, you let them keep the prey and escort them back to their territory. (Me: That's very friendly.)

7. Give them a fierce warning that sounds a little like a threat and also mention it at the Gathering to all the Clans. (Sneaky!)

If you chose...

1~ Your Clan can be quite hostile to other Clan cats, and you are one of the strongest out of all of them, but you are very loyal to the warrior code, and your Clan is known for almost never breaking it in any way.

2~ Your Clan trusts their Leader with their life and are all very loyal cats. You like to talk things out, and if there is trouble, you always tell your Leader first.

3~ You are an extremely hostile Clan and you fight over little things. You love drama and watching other cats fight. You often break the warrior code and you are known for sometimes even killing cats from other Clans in fights when it is not really necessary. 

4~ You are a Clan that likes to stay away from fighting, but you easily feel the need to if you are provoked. Otherwise you are peaceful Clan with fun lives.

5~ Your Clan doesn't like to fight at all. All you want is peace, and that makes some Clans see you as weak, but you don't care. Nothing is better than talking it out, and your Clan is known for fighting only when it is absolutely needed.

6~ Your Clan likes to have reasons for things. You only get hostile if the other Clan starts a fight, or they are doing something against the warrior code and don't have a good reason why.

7~ If an opposing Clan has done something wrong, your Clan like to tell all the other Clans. This can result to a problem, but it can also result to a solution. You are wary of fighting but do it when it is needed.

I chose number 6, so DuskClan likes to have reasons for things. What did you choose?

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