Look who's back

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This story was requested by @checkedhooman

Third Person POV

The sun shone brightly as a green haired boy ran down the road rushing to get home, his mother told him she had a surprise, he knew she was going away soon so it was probably some family coming in to look after him. Izuku ran past fellow U.A. students, waving to them as he ran, his smile never leaving. After all who could break his smile?

Once he got to the front door, he knocked then let himself in, his mothers car was in the drive way so she was home, thankfully. Izuku smiled as he walked in, he slipped his shoes off and sat his bag against the door.

"Hey Mum! I'm home!" Izuku's cheery voice called, he couldn't see his mother in the kitchen so he walked into the lounge and sure enough she was there.

"Welcome home baby! You'll never guess who arrived home today," she smiled wrapping her arms around her son in a warm hug.

"Is it Aunty?" He asked looking at his mother, hugging her back. She shook her head and pointed over to the hallway doorframe. There stood the one man he never thought he would see again....

Hisashi Midoriya.

His father who left when he was around four, reason unknown to him.

"Hey kiddo, I missed you. I heard you got your quirk? How'd that happen?" He asked, the older male looked irritated and displeased.

So that's why he's back...

"Late bloomer I guess..." Izuku mumbled. Lies. Hisashi knew it too.

Don't get him wrong he was glad his father was back, his mother would be happy again, they're family might go back to normal but by his father's introduction it didn't seem that way.

"I have homework to do, sorry but I must excuse myself to get this done.." Izuku mumbled. He picked up his bag and walked upstairs and into his room. He sighed and placed his bag on his desk taking his homework out and began completing it.

Time skip

Somehow Izuku passed out and was now sleeping on his half completed homework pile with a small pool of drool gathering in the corner of his mouth. Dinner was ready and his father insisted on waking him up.

Once Hisashi entered the room his face scrunched up in disgust, how could a child be that obsessed with someone to the point his room is covered in figures, posters and more merchandise. The taller male walked over to his sleeping son and yanked on his hair.

"Get up brat, your mother has prepared dinner, come on get up."

"H-Huh, ow! That hurts stop," Izuku whines and grabbed his father's hand trying to pry it off him.

"Then get up and get downstairs and eat you brat," Hisashi growled and let go of him and left. Izuku rubbed his head and stretched before heading downstairs after his father, that's even if what the male was.

"Did you have a good nap, Izuku honey?" Inko asked as she set his father's plate down in front of him before taking a seat next to her son. He nodded his head and smiled brightly at his mother before mumbling the prayers and began to eat.

They ate in silence, Hisashi and Inko causally chatting here and there. Izuku was truly happy for his mother but he just wished she was happy with another man instead of one that left them and now is back and obviously has a giant dislike towards himself.

"I'll take your plates, thank you for dinner Mum it was amazing as always," Izuku smiled and took his mother's and 'father's' plates and took them to wash them up.

"Izuku dear I'm heading off to work! Make sure to finish your homework and don't go to sleep too late you have school in the morning!" Inko said and waved goodbye before leaving for work.

"You heard you mother hurry up and finish your homework," Hisashi growled and yanked on Izuku's hair once again.

"I'm washing the dishes!" Izuku protested and slapped his father's hand away from him. Hisashi snarled down at Izuku and glared as he walked off.

Great not did Izuku already have Bakugou on his back about his quirk situation he now had his Dad. This was going to be more than stressful.

Izuku finished washing the dishes and went to finish his homework, it wasn't anything extreme it was just simple math and English homework, it took about 15 minutes to complete before he dozed off on his desk.

That's the first part! It's not too long nor progressing much to the story plot but it's slowly getting there!

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