Chaper 1

17 3 0

My name is Roxy, I am 17 years old, I have blonde hair, piercing green eyes and I am 5'4. I go to Westfield Academy in New York. I am not the most popular person but I wouldn't say I was a loner, my best friend is called Cali and I have 4 other friends call Anna, Sabrina, Mia and Racheal. We do everything together, like shopping, getting our nails done, our hair done, and just general girly things, including taking quizzes in magazines to see what our future lovers could be like. I know we are sad but we all enjoy it.

Anyway enough about me, I should get on with the story, I woke up this morning with the alarm clock booming in my ears. I hate going to school. There's nothing wrong with it apart from the chavs that go their and the lessons, although I do enjoy music. My dream is to become a song writer, not a singer, I haven't sung since my little sister died a few years ago, I'd really rather not go in to details how she died, let's just say it was tragic.
Anyway enough of that, I should get ready for school. I jumped out of bed and went to go take a shower, the water poured down my ivory skin, I picked up the shampoo and started to wash my hair. I read somewhere that if you wash your hair twice it helps your hair become really healthy, once to get the dirt out and Greece and the second time for good measure. After I finished shampooing my hair I conditioned it to make it really nice and soft and then went on to clean my body. I didn't want to get out the shower, the thought of just having to go to school was boring me already. But if you want to go far in life you have to get yourself educated.
I got out the shower and walked back in to my room to get dressed, I decided to wear a black tank top that said "rock n roll" on it, some underwear (I mean I didn't choose which ones to wear specifically, who cares about what I am wearing underneath my clothes) got a bra out and got some blue skinny jeans with rips on the knees. Once I was dressed I decided to put some flat shoes on to go with my outfit which were black. I then dried and straightened my frizzy curly hair as I hated my curls. I looked at myself in the mirror, "well this is best it's gonna get" I said to myself.
I walked out of my room closing the door behind me and made my way down the stairs to where my family were.
I got to the kitchen my mum and dad were both sat next to each other at the table eating a bowl of rice crispy's,both reading newspapers, which they did every morning before they went to work. My dad was a doctor and my mum was a nurse both at the same hospital.
"Morning mum" I have her a kiss on the cheek.
"Morning dad" I gave him a kiss on the cheek too. They both replied with morning back. I grabbed a apple and walked out the door to make my way to school. Or should I say prison for kids in the day time.
On my way to school I saw a really fit guy, he had short black hair, tall and buff, but not fat or chunky. He had muscle, and boy didn't he look hot. We were inches apart and for some reason my heart was beating extremely fast, this had never happened before to me when it came to guys. To be honest I have ever really been interested in guys before, there is no reason I just haven't been. But this was different. I felt drawn to him, but I could figure out why. I kept walking behind this hot stranger until we both came up to the school. We both walked in to the halls of the school where I saw my friends, Mia, Sabrina. Racheal, Cali and Anna. They were all stood next to Racheal's locker like they always have done every morning before school started talking about whatever was the gossip about the night before, usually boys or about Anna's parents about how they won't let her go to prom. I am not surprised tho to be honest, she recently has been smoking a lot of weed, and when her parents found out they have grounded her and told her she is not to leave the house unless it's time to go to school but then she must come home straight away. Of course she did always go home after school but she always found the time to quickly have a joint before she got home and changed her clothes to get rid of the smell. She would tell us about how when she got home she didn't interact with her parents, she would go straight to the shower and get changed in to her pjs and brush her teeth before she went downstairs to eat.
I walked towards my friends but still walking behind the hot mysterious guy that I had been walking behind the whole entire way to school. Who was he? And why did I feel this way about him I have barely looked at his face but just enough so I could see the hotness. Why do I feel drawn to him already?! I don't even know him. This is some weird stuff.
When I got to my friends they were talking once again about Anna's parents, I decided not to listen and went to my locker which was right next to Racheal's, got my books out that I need for classes, I studied, maths. English, music, art and photography. I know so many lessons but I made them work. First lesson was maths.
I still can not figure out who that hot guys was. Is he knew? Have I ever seen him before? Why do I feel this way? So many questions were going around in my head and I had no idea why.
I need to know why.

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