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Nathalie just bought some work clothes then was walking when she herd the voice of someone calling her

Nathalie!! Yelled adrien

She turned around and saw the boy holding a small box with balloon

Adrien what are you doing here your father must be worried !

Well I don't care about what he says chat noir told me about your day and I wanted to make it better happy birthday I couldn't afford a big cake cause I don't have enough money I know I should just ask for my father but he wouldn't let me out of my room so I ran away by the way happy birthday!!

Thank you adrien you shouldn't have said Nathalie

This is not even enough for all you did to me since mom left

No this is a big thing adrien Thank you

Nathalie where are you gonna sleep ?since your apartment you know ?

I'll go find some place

But why don't you just live in the mansion? It's big enough there's a lot of rooms there

No adrien that wouldn't be good for me since all the rumors

Don't listen to the rumors cause it's not true

Its thoughtful of you to be concern adrien but I'll find my own place

Then her phone rang it was Gabriel calling

Hello sir?

Nathalie is adrien with you he's not in his room !

Yes sir he's with me i just found him

Were are you I'll send gorilla to pick up adrien

Yes sir

She send the location then minutes later gorilla arrived

Nathalie why don't you come with us ?

No adrien I'll be fine Go ahead I'll see you tomorrow


Then the car left with the boy Nathalie continued to walk she saw in the news that chat noir said happy birthday to his friend Nathalie She smiled but was also embaressed

At the agreste mansion. Adrien came home

Adrien why would you do that your grounded for a week !

Its ok at least she's happy

Who's happy ?

Nathalie it's her birthday and everything has gone terribly wrong she lost her apartment all her plans then now I dont know where's she's gonna sleep at least I care for her unlike you !

Then the boy ran upstairs

Gabriel went silent

So that's why she wanted a day off said Gabriel

He look at the news then it's true her apartment is burn down

He went out and tried to search for her since he knew that she doesn't have any relatives

Nathalies Unexpected DayWhere stories live. Discover now