TLC - Vantases

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It was summer break for you and your friends so you were relaxing at Porrim's place. You, Porrim, Latula, and Meulin were all lounging around the jade bloods bedroom painting each other's nails when the aforementioned troll's phone rang. She sighed and sat the bottle of black nail polish she was holding down before checking her phone.

"It's Kankri."

She gave a sympathetic smile to her friends when they sighed or groaned, knowing how very chatty Kankri was. And if this was one of his usual phone calls then Porrim would be busy for a while until she managed to get him off the line. But she couldn't ignore him, that would just make him call her again and again until she picked up.

"Hey Kankri, what's going on?" the jade blood asked pleasantly.

But the others watched her blink and get a concerned look as they heard Kankri's muffled speech from where they were sitting. Porrim sighed quietly through her nose and blew on her nails to help them dry faster as she listened to her friend rant on the other end.

She sighed and said to the troll on the other end,

"Kankri I can't imagine how I would know the answer to these questions. I know about stuff like Relentless Itch or Seadweller Spores, even Mercurial Psiioniics. But Dolorosa knows more than m- No, Kankri, why not just Google it-..."

The jade blood seemed to be listening to whatever Kankri was saying. Finally she glanced over at you with a raised eyebrow before saying to the candy red blood on the phone,

"Okay Kankri, I'll ask her for you, hold on."

You raised your eyebrows in surprise, what on New Earth could Kankri want from you of all people? Well after Porrim muted the call she told you that Kankri called her because his little descendant, Karkat, was sick with what appeared to be a human illness and he didn't know what to do. Neither did his Ancestor either it seemed.

You pointed out that he could just look online for the information, easily. But she said she knew that but he was 'too overwhelmed by all the conflicting information' and 'needed an expert', aka a human to help him.

"Will you please just go check on Karkat? He's a sweet kid and I feel bad that he's having to deal with being sick with something he's never had to go through before."

You admitted that sounded scary. Especially if Kankri and his Ancestor were the only ones there to help him. According to Porrim, neither had any training in caring for anything beyond common troll illnesses.

With a sigh of mild annoyance you agreed to help. With a grateful smile Porrim unmuted the call and told Kankri you would be over to help in a short while. You asked for the phone so you could ask him some questions, and Porrim told Kankri she was handing the phone over to you before passing it your way.

Kankri tried to start in on what sounded like the beginning to a long spiel so you cut him off and said you needed short quick answers if you were going to help them. You made it clear you were the one helping them and you didn't want your entire evening spent on something that could easily be handled in an hour. He huffed but reluctantly agreed after Karkat started coughing wetly behind him.

So you asked what Karkat's symptoms were, if he'd been eating anything and drinking water, how long he'd been sick and so forth. Kankri answered you but you kept having to pull him back on topic, which was so very annoying. But you persevered and finally got enough facts to go off of. You said you'd stop by the store on your way there.

Before you hung up you asked him if they had any chicken or carrots. He was confused but went to go check. He said they had some frozen chicken breasts and some carrots yes but why? You said for him to take the chicken out of the freezer and put it in a large bowl of water, you'd need it thawed for when you got there. He agreed, still confused, so you said goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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