TLC - Maryams

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Summary - Kanaya unfortunately catches a 'human cold' and neither her Ancestor nor Dancestor know how to deal with it. So they call up a good human friend for help; you!







You'd just gotten off work and stopped at the store to pick up some groceries to save yourself a trip. A few minutes after entering the store your phone rang. You hurried to pick it up and saw it was your friend Porrim, your neighbor.

"Hey (____), Dolorosa and I need your help. Kanaya got one of your human illnesses and none of our troll cures have worked. She seems to be getting worse. Kanaya wanted to have Rose come over to help but she's apparently out of town today and won't be back until after tomorrow night. Dolorosa doesn't know a bunch of humans well but I told her I had a good human friend that might be able to help."

You felt bad for the Jade blooded family. It can't be easy getting accustomed to a whole new planet's customs and traditions, not to mention its numerous illnesses and stuff. So you said it wouldn't be any trouble and agreed to give any help you could. To start you asked for the youngest's symptoms. Porrim said her ancestor could better explain it so she handed the phone off to the Dolorosa.

"Hello (____), thank you so much for agreeing to help us. I feel so out of sorts, because usually I have no problem with caring for a sick troll but I'm just at a loss with how to handle these new earthen born illnesses. It all has me quite worried."

You smiled sympathetically and told the older woman that it was no problem, you were more than happy to help with whatever they needed. So when she began to list off the youngest's symptoms you thought it over and started to get a clearer idea of just what Kanaya had caught.

"Well she's warmer than normal, she's feeling fatigued, she's also complaining of her throat being scratchy and hurting her, plus being unable to breathe through her nose because of some kind of slimy mucus clogging it, and she can't keep any type of food down. Not even grub sauce. Only water."

You pursed your lips and hummed thoughtfully into the phone then said it sounded like she had a common cold. Which was a type of germ that has a higher chance of being caught during a certain time of the year when you're out in cold weather for too long. It's not impossible to get during the other parts of the year but the warmer temperature makes it less likely.

"Well Ms. Maryam, you don't have anything to worry about. Kanaya just needs some hot human food and a little TLC. Tell you what, I'll pick up some medicine and some other stuff that will help Kanaya feel leagues better. Then I'll bring them over and cook some soothing food for Kanaya after I stop by my apartment. That sound alright?"

Dolorosa thanked you profusely before saying she had to let you go. Apparently Kanaya started having a coughing fit again. You said you understood then hung up and continued to shop, making sure to get some troll friendly cold medicine and all the ingredients needed to make rice and chicken soup. Normally you would have made the classic chicken noodle soup for someone with a cold but with how the youngest Maryam having been unable to keep anything down you knew that rice with chicken soup broth would go down and stay down easier. You also thought to grab up some ginger root and a jar of honey. Those would help with that sore throat for sure.

After getting everything on your mental grocery list you loaded everything into your car and headed home. Once there you put your own stuff up, got changed out of your grimy work clothes, then grabbed the bags for the Maryams and headed down the hall to their apartment. You could faintly hear the tv from the hallway as you knocked on the door, making extra sure not to drop any of the bags in the process. You didn't want to break any of the jars in them. You heard someone from inside yell 'just a minute!' and seconds later Porrim answered the door. She flashed a fanged smile down at you before stepping back to let you in.

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