Chapter 1

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"Okay everyone! Gather around because it's time for the main event!" Nancy excitedly stated as she lifted a glass bowl containing quite a few small paper balls in it. When everyone had taken their seats, whether on the couches, chairs, or the floor, Nancy began to explain the rules of the main event. "I know a lot of you already know the rules, but for those that are new I will announce them. In this bowl," she pointed to the bowl in her hand, "are all of your names. One by one you ladies will get to randomly select a piece of paper from the bowl. Unless that name is the person you came here with, the woman selected is the woman you will get to spend the rest of the night with!" Nancy grinned as excited whispers and cheers sailed through the air.

Her mouth forming into the shape of an O, Mia turned toward her beaming partner, a disbelieving expression on her face. Leaning closer to the taller woman, she whispered, "You brought me to a spouse swapping party? You said we were going to have fun but I had no idea this is what you meant! I can't believe you. This is so low. I could be at home watching The Vampire Diaries!" Hell bent on leaving, Mia started to stand when a hand pushed down on her shoulder, effectively keeping her pinned to her seat.

"It's Friday. That show came on last night."

At any other time you wouldn't have remembered that!

Furious green eyes sent the other woman a withering look. "Yes, it does, but I have it saved on Tivo so I wouldn't have to endure the commercials. Regardless, I don't want to be here. I can't believe you'd hand me over to some stranger. Whatever happened to monogamy?"

Keri gazed at her in a way that she hoped was charming. "Honey, I just thought we'd try something different. Let's try it just this once okay?"

"There is no--"

Before she could finish her thought, a grinning Nancy thrust a glass bowl into Mia's face. Mia was about to shake her head in an opposing manner when the other woman shook the bowl, causing the paper balls within it to dance around. "Come on," Nancy glanced at the redhead's paper nametag, "Mia. You can be the first lady to choose. I can tell this is your first time. Please don't be shy."

"Yeah, Mia. Stop resisting and pick a name." When she nudged her girlfriend's shoulder, Keri received a glare in response.

Not understanding what had come over her and why she was acceding to their wishes, Mia delved a hand into the bowl and pulled out one of the numerous tightly wrapped paper balls. Told to open it and read the written name, she unwrapped the paper while her heart started to hammer. Though she knew a few of the women in attendance tonight, none of their names were on the paper. Lifting her eyes, Mia glanced around the room, noticing the multitude of anticipating faces before she spoke.


Instantly a buzz started as Mia caught snippets of conversation, hearing phrases such as 'beginner's luck', 'she's hot', 'damn, I wanted Taryn' and 'somehow cheated'. Leaning over, Keri jubilantly informed her that she must have hit the jackpot. Tired of glaring, Mia decided to ignore her partner who had been annoying her far longer than tonight. Meanwhile, she wondered who Taryn was. She didn't have to wait long as a woman who appeared to be a good six feet tall, and wearing black leather pants as a second skin, slowly arose from a recliner placed near a corner of the room. All chattering ceased when Taryn headed in Mia's direction, the only sound in the room her booted feet as they touched the hardwood floor with each step.

Her eyes sweeping over the form approaching them, Keri turned to her partner. "You know, honey, we can leave if you want to. You don't have to go through with this. No one is making you. Let's just go home and watch Ellen and her crew." In truth, she didn't want her girlfriend anywhere near the black-haired, blue-eyed gorgeous hunk of a woman. She was too good-looking and had an intoxicating aura that was difficult to explain.

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