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The fifth month is a time of transitions for  baby Lolwa. You can expect her to make her first attempts at real speech which always hurt my jaws . Shes also gearing up to start crawling, which means I need to be ready for  lolwa's new mobility.

Fifth Month Baby Skills

Lolwa can sit upright for longer periods of time. Lolwa probably still needs to be propped up with a pillow, but she may also be able to sit unsupported for a few seconds at a time and that always make me excited !!

Some 5-month-olds can start rolling over from their back to their tummy but Lolwa started doing it on 4.5 months . Once Lolwa does roll over, I notice her working his legs and rocking. Shes getting ready for crawling and scooting, which are just a couple of months away! But remember, when Lolwa is able to roll over,  i always make sure I never leave her on a bed or other high surface where he can accidentally roll off and get injured which happened once and it was my fault :(....

Fifth Month Baby Senses

Lolwas vision is continuing to improve. At this point, She still dont have 20/20 vision, but she can see well at different distances and their eyes can focus together without crossing. At five months, Lolwa's color perception has sharpened to the point where she can tell the difference between two shades of the same color. But babies at this age still prefer primary colors such as red, blue, and yellow...

 prefer primary colors such as red, blue, and yellow.

Fifth Month Baby  Communication:

LOLWA should be babbling away by now, and those babbles might even be starting to sound like real words. Five-month-olds can begin to put consonant and vowel sounds together (such as ''ba-ba''). If you hear a ''ma-ma'' or ''da-da'' in the mix, BUT,  i shouldn't  get too excited. Babies at this age havent yet assigned meaning to words. Wait another couple of months and those ''ma-mas'' and ''da-das'' will be directed at you.

She is starting to make sense of the sounds they hear, such as a  a car engine starting. Though they cant yet understand words, they may turn their head at the sound of their name or a simple command like ''no." And that is really cute when she does that!!

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