Seven: A resolution

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Hey! I attached a photo of Zayn's house!

Harry's POV

I've heard lots of people who've gone through tragedy and remorse. Some lost a father. Some lost a son. Some a mother. But this is something I never came across.

"They died, Harry.'

Shock. That's what I'm feeling when Ella looks up at me with vulnerable eyes as she breaks the news to me.

Sympathy, too.

Looking at the girl in front of me, I realised that she was one of those people who are very affectionate towards their family and who can't imagine life without them. Like, Zayn for instance.

My thoughts are triggered with more curiosity as those three words sink in but I suppress my questions. Now's definitely not the time.

'Ella, I'm-'

'Sorry?' she cuts me off before I could say those two meaningless words. I look at her nervously before she continues.

'If that's what you want to say Harry, then you should know that it doesn't change anything.'

Her face is down and her hair falls over her eyes as she pushes them away.

I'm left in a lost condition as she speaks. I have no clue what to say. Of course, being a Styles, I know that saying sorry wouldn't improve my life. But this girl went over a thing no one should ever go through, at least, not at such a young age.

I take a deep breath and look straight at her before speaking.

'Ella, I know that and I also know that no matter how many sorry's or sympathetic words anyone says won't make a difference. It won't heal the wounds or stop the pain. It won't turn the world into CandyLand or Wonderland. I know the feeling. And even so, I'm sorry.'

My last words are reproachful and full of feeling as I look at her with a worried frown.

Ella's POV

A lot of people have said words of 'sympathy' to me.

The police officers.

Dad's friends.

Mom's friends.

Cam's friends.

My friends.

My family.

The school.

The judge.

And all the people back in LA who heard of the news.

Someone could write me a whole speech on 'sorry' yet it still wouldn't mean anything to me. And I'm tired of faking a meaningless smile to them as they say it. So I've stopped.

And I've done it tonight with Harry.

Of course, I knew he'd say sorry. But I was not expecting him to say what he said after.

I look up at him as he finishes speaking and just like that, the scene changes.

His green eyes. My blue ones. My broken heart. His tired one. My pain. His frustration. My distrust. His honesty. It all fit together. Everything.

These were the eyes I saw at Chances. This was the Harry I was intrigued to. And I don't know if that's a good thing.

Gathering up my thoughts I let out a soft, 'It's okay.' And just like that, the moment was gone.

Harry is, once again, the first to break eye contact and I couldn't help but let out a weak breathy laugh.

He looks at me confusedly.

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