Chapter 4

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"What are we here to do" asked Casey
"If you can work as a team then you may be in an experiment" said General Booth
"General, What kind of experiment" asked Carrie
"I'm not sure what they're calling it but it makes you faster, smarter and stronger, I'm calling it the Justice Serum" said General Booth
"What's the deal with it" asked Dakota
"What do you mean" asked General Booth
"She means why us and stuff related to that topic" Cole answered
"Well, you're the best of the best, the 8 of you together could sink Iraq and the war could be over" said General Booth
"What do we have to do" asked Casey
"If you can penetrate the wall blocking us from winning the war" said General Booth
"Who votes doing the serum and blowing the wall say Aye" said Casey
"Aye" said Casey, Corona, Dakota and Carrie  in unison
"What about them" asked General Booth
"They aren't my troops" said Casey
"Those who want to do this shit say Aye" said Dexter
"Aye, Aye, Sir" said Charlie, Zack and Cole in unison
"And you?" Asked General Booth
"Already agreed" said Dexter
"Good, now go work on your plan and we will talk about it in the morning" said General Booth and he left the room
"Alright, lets get started on this plan" said Casey
"I think we should take the guards down and then blow the wall" said Carrie
"If we do that, we could be ambushed" said Cole
"Maybe approach the back wall, blow it, kill some Iraqi soldiers and then blow the other side" said Corona
"Then they'll be all over the place" said Charlie
"What if there's no tank at all" said Casey and everyone turned to her
"Go on" said Dexter
"If we can figure out who the mole is then we can use them, the Iraqi General has probably never seen them before and if they have we'll bring them with us, whoever it is, probably doesn't want to get shot, so, my thoughts are, he tells the guard that we're helping him and the guard lets us in and we place detonators on the wall, when it blows more American troops come in and boom, we have the information we need and there's less Iraqi Troops" said Casey
"Well, it's better than the rest of our ideas" said Dexter
"How do we know who the mole is" asked Zack
"We spread a rumour that four of us were arrested for giving plans, location and classified information to the enemy, the mole comes to bail us out, takes us to the base and then it's up to the four that weren't arrested to follow us and alert the General when the detonators are placed, if something goes wrong, shoot like hell and don't die" said Casey
"That plan is foolproof, we'll tell the General in the morning" said Dexter
"Who's going" asked Charlie
"The logical choice for the leader would be Casey" said Corona
"Cole and Zack" said Charlie
"Carrie" said Casey
"So, we have a plan for the General, lets get some rest before morning" said Dexter

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