WhAcK 6

36 1 0

Me and my friend had a conversation yesterday about how stupid Alice Augustin is for choking Ruby Seamorb. That it is angering the bull. Metaphor no actual bulls thank god. But we came up with some theories that might have worked. 

One, stampede him. Alice is 6'2, Ruby is 5'5. That is a 9 inch difference.  Not to mention Ruby is skinny as hell and would most likely break a bone if he were to have a physical  fight (cough, cough, no guns, cough, cough). Only do if necessary tho. 

Two kindly negotiate with him. Make like a schedule. Here is an example.

Alice: Let MC go.

Ruby: No.

Alice: Can you please let MC go?

Ruby: No, my house my rules. (Haha I got quotes for days)

Alice: Fine can we make like a schedule or something.

Three, Just walk a WaYaYaYaYaY. Vines are great, I'll put it somewhere for you to watch so you'll get the joke.

PlOt TwIsT nOnE oF tHeM wOrK bEcAuSe RuBy WoUlD sHoOt AlIcE aNyWaYs FoR eXiStInG sO jOkEs On HiM mAy He ReSt In PePpErOnI

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