Beyond expectations

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The first thing I noticed was the sharp rays of the Sun that were shown directly into my eyes from the open curtains that were on the front side of my bed. I checked my phone to see the time and it was already 9:15 a.m. I was late. I quickly sat down on my bed and stared at the wall in front of me to adjust my eyes then I put on my slippers and ran towards the bathroom to take a shower.

 I quickly sat down on my bed and stared at the wall in front of me to adjust my eyes then I put on my slippers and ran towards the bathroom to take a shower

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Today was a big day for me because today was the day I was gonna start my new life and live by my own rules. I was sick of my parents and was planning to move to my very own apartment but I didn't have enough money to buy one so my friends suggested I rent an apartment which was fine by me because all I want is to move out and be independent.

 I was sick of my parents and was planning to move to my very own apartment but I didn't have enough money to buy one so my friends suggested I rent an apartment which was fine by me because all I want is to move out and be independent

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ok ok, you might be thinking by the size of my room and bathroom how can I not have money? so here is the story my parents are very rich, filthy rich, and ever since I was little they enforced their plan of making me the next owner of their company by the time I turn 18. but I am not interested in business and I want to live by my dreams so as now I am turning 18 in a week, I will be legally an adult, and I have full rights to do what I want So yeah I am finally moving out.

*Phone rings* 'oh gosh I left my phone in the room'
I got dressed quickly and ran to get to my phone in time and as expected it was my friends.

'What is it?' (I asked in annoyance)

"Took you long enough to answer! where the heck was you?" ( I heard a soft but attacking voice from the phone. It was my bestie Jessica)

'In the shower. forgot my phone in the room ops' (I tried to sound innocent but failed)
"Ok whatever. we have news for you girl" (Another voice interrupted and I knew it was Emily)
'Spill already!'(I asked in an unsurprised tone)
"whos gonna tell her?" (Max asked in excitement)

"WE ARE MOVING IN WITH YOU" (another voice practically screamed and I knew who it was. none other than Taylor)
'Wait WHAT?'(My eyes sparkled with anticipation )
"Yasss girl pack your bags we're gonna be roommates" (Marissa ordered and the thought of being their roomie send a euphoric feeling)
"And the best part is I already searched for apartments and I found a few which I liked imma gonna share the pics you guys can select! I hope you like them" ( Daisy explained )
'Oka can't wait you guys' (I forced some words out)
"US NEITHER" (they happily replied)
we all hung up and Many things were going through my mind
'Us, the craziest people, in the same house I thought
'This can either be the dream I wanted to live my whole life or my worst nightmare' I murmured to myself as I lay on my bed smiling to the ceiling.

//End of chapter//
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TO BE CONTINUED.................
(add it to your library so you won't miss any chapter)
(This story is based on my real imagination and most of the characters present here are real)
(your votes will make me happy)

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