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My name is Meg and I am a fourteen year old girl from England.
I am one of those people who find it hard to make and keep friends.
So when I finally find myself a friend while of holiday I was over the moon, I couldn't believe it.
We were best friends for about four moths, until he found a girl.
First of all I was happy and hoped that we would become best of friends, we started out rough, what with her smashing my phone on accident but because of that we bonded stronger than ever.
We both fought that nothing would come between our friendship, until she fell in love with him....him my first proper friend....the first person I could be myself around them for well over a year....the last one I trusted.
I will admit, then my problems and past events didn't start again all because of them, but they sure did help it.
Once my old habits were back, people at school stared to find out.
That's when my whole life, that I managed to put back together fell apart again.

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