Chapter 3: Explainations

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A/N: fun fact! Chapter 2 was originally named "Visions" but then I changed it to "Dreams" to be more fitting with the end of the chapter. Also if this comes out more than two weeks after the last chapter, it's because I'm currently healing from something. Someone recently read my ItsFunneh x Aphmau book on my admin account and they didn't even tell me before saying "I'm going to make a book inspired off of this" I told them that I don't like it when people are inspired by me because it makes me feel like I'm copied. She said that she was going to make it different that the original. And I was dropping so many hints saying "no please don't, I actually don't want people inspired by my original ideas-". So I just gave up. That's my sad story of the week, what about you? oh! And someone recolored my art without telling me, so that's 2 sad stories (the second one was resolved so don't worry about it)

Each of the Krew members looked around in confusion.

"W-where are we?" Funneh's eyes darted everywhere, but it was just a pitch black space with only enough light for her to see each of her siblings clearly.

"Funneh! You're ok!" Draco went up and hugged his sister Lunar soon following the same actions. Suddenly out from the shadows, a cloaked figure appeared (A/N: oh, how original *note the sarcasm*-).

"W-who are you" Rainbow stuttered in fear, yet she still kept up a glare and stood in front of her siblings protectively. "I am not threat to you all" The figure spoke. It removed the hood of its cloak revealing a girl around the same age as Funneh. She has long wavy black hair that faded to purple with a singular purple streak in the front of her hair. Her right eye was brown while her left eye remained covered by a sea green eye patch with a magenta rose on it.

"I can't reveal who I am, but you'll meet me very soon in the future" she smiled. It wasn't sinister or anything evil, it was a genuine, a warm and sweet smile. One that would make people feel at ease. And that's exactly what it made the Krew feel, at ease.

"Well, what do you want with us?" Gold asks. Funneh was resting on Gold's shoulder, also for support since she felt a but dizzy. The girl sighed.

"Well, I'm like you guys. I can't summon my inner beast Or use its power. Well kinda " She explained. Lunar's eyes widen as did Draco's, Rainbow's, Gold's, and Funneh's.

"S-so you're like us!" Lunar finally realizes. Her shock prevented her from saying anything, well until now. "H-hey what's happening!?" Funneh exclaimed. Her dark blue hair was now turning into an icy blue color. Her blue eyes became white and her pupils became dark blue and shaped like stars. Soon her body was engulfed in a glowing blue light. The light disappeared after a few seconds and Funneh was also covered in armor

 The light disappeared after a few seconds and Funneh was also covered in armor

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Funneh stares in awe at herself. "I-I look so different!" Funneh's shock was unimaginable. Then Gold underwent her transformation. Her brown hair became blonde. And her golden eyes became black with golden colored star shaped pupils.

Inner Beasts: Its Funneh AU (on hold)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant