Chapter 24

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Yurio and Otabek placed the phone on a stand that allowed for a wide view of Lilia's private studio. They stepped back to reveal their figure skating costumes, dazzling in the Russian sunlight. Otabek wore a midnight blue blouse and black pants, while Yurio wore one of Viktor's old costumes. It was navy in color with silver lines like leaves tracing the bodice, and his black leggings hung close to his body. Viktor thought it suited him quite well.

"Wait, what's this?" Yuri asked.

"Just watch," Viktor said, holding a finger to his lips, as he turned the phone screen so they could see.

Yurio and Otabek got into position, as if ready to skate, only they had ballet shoes on instead. Then, a familiar piece erupted from the speakers, Yuri on Ice. Yurio started the dance just as Yuri did a year ago. The flow was a little different since they were on the ground rather than ice, but they could still feel the beauty and emotion in the music. Otabek joined him and together they moved with the music. It was an homage to the winner of the free skate last year, no doubt. They connected in ways Yuri wasn't even sure he could with Viktor. Every movement was as smooth as silk, every touch a sweet caress. Intertwined, Otabek hoisted Yurio up into his arms and allowed him to emerge like the cherry blossoms that spring, gracefully circling and extending the beauty of nature onto the heart of Japan...and the whole world really. It was a beautiful agape romance that expressed gratitude and growth on both their parts. Then, towards the end, they divided. Both stood at the ready and then Yurio ran to Otabek. He lifted Yurio high above his head and paused before slowly lowering him. They ended the piece just as Yuri had done in his dreams with an arm extended so their hands connected, looking towards one another.

There was a pause as both parties took in what just transpired. Viktor was the first to comment. "That was beautiful! Absolutely stunning you two" he gleamed.

Yurio and Otabek released their emotions and collapsed into each others' arms, smiling, crying, and laughing. It was a heartwarming sight.

Yuri sat, completely shocked. They had done all of that, for him? Tears built up and blurred his eyes. "Th-thanks" he cried, shielding his face. He had never been so grateful. He could tell just by watching them dance, that Otabek and Yurio were in his place, and he had taken on the role of Viktor for them. He was now the role model, the person they were chasing after. He knew Yurio would never tell him this in person, but he felt it in his heart. He knew that was their intention.

Viktor looked over at Yuri and saw the tears in his eyes. He gave his shoulders a squeeze and said, "Just wait, my love. It's not over yet."

Yuri couldn't imagine what else they had in store for him. He looked at the screen. Yurio looked back out of the corner of his eye and released himself from Otabek's arms. "How was that, pork cutlet bowl?" he gasped, smirking.

"Brilliant!" Yuri replied. "You two were stunning. I couldn't have done it better myself!"

"You'd better believe it," he said, still out of breath. "Now, it's everyone else's turn."

"Everyone else?"

"I told you we'd win the Grand Prix Finals, didn't I?" he smiled. "This is it, piggy! All the would-be competitors, we're 'skating' from home. There's no ice of course, and some of us don't have much space at home, but it's the best we could do. Once Yakov told me his plan to cheer you up and keep your flair for the competition going, I couldn't resist! And that goes for you too, old man!" Yurio yelled, pointing at the screen.

Viktor nodded and looked at Yuri. "I told you I choose both you and the competition after all," he said.

Yuri looked at him with a newfound determination. "Right, and I won't lose either."

"What? You're going to be a part of this too?" Yurio asked. "I thought we were doing this for you and you two were out of the competition!" he grabbed the phone, making the picture shake in all directions.

"We may be late, but once Yuri is back to his old self, there's no way we'd miss out on an opportunity like this. We've been practicing so hard up until the past couple of months" he commented, looking to Yuri for approval.

He nodded. "That's right, even if I'm quarantined for the rest of my life, I'm still going to win the Grand Prix Finals!" he called back.

"Okay, okay" Otabek interjected. "We'd best be off, but ours isn't the only performance. Chris, Georgi, Phichit, and JJ are competing too. Think of the videos we sent along as more of a snapshot of what you're up against. Each dance is going to be submitted to Lilia and then, as a prima ballerina, she will be the ultimate judge."

"But won't that give you two an unfair advantage, having your coach as a judge" Yuri smirked.

"Shut up!" Yurio retorted.

Otabek pushed him off. "We'll have a judge from the Grand Prix joining in too and the usual reporter will review the footage. Plus, Lilia didn't help us with this at all. She's determined to remain an objective know how she is" he smiled. "Good luck you two, you'll need it."

Viktor chuckled. Yuri could sense his desire to compete oozing out of every pore. He smiled, it looked like the old Viktor was back, and he'd fight as hard as he could too.

"Get better soon, Yuri!" they both called and waved before signing off.

"Well, that was... something," Yuri said with a smile. "I can't believe they did all of that" he sighed. "I just wish we could skate on the ice again."

"I know" Viktor hugged him. "But we'll have our chance once this is over. That said, I won't let you get off easy with your training. We're going to treat this video competition like it's the real deal. This is the Grand Prix Finals...and I'm going to win" he said sneakily.

"Yeah, right. You wish" Yuri retorted, smiling. "So, what's this I hear about all the competitors sending their videos to us first?"

"Patience" Viktor said. "Yurio sent them all to me this morning, but I don't want to overdo it. You need to rest." Viktor mused. He paused with a far-away look in his eyes.

"Vitya? What is it?" Yuri asked, placing a hand on his face.

Viktor got off the bed and went to the window. He stared out at the cherry blossoms. The time was fast approaching. He knew what he wanted more than anything in the world. He turned back to Yuri and smiled, his hair blowing slightly in the circulating breeze.

Yuri had never seen anything more beautiful. Viktor's figure captivated him in every way. He was so happy he was here; he could hardly believe it. To dance with him again, even if not on the ice, was a miracle in his eyes. 

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