Part 01

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This is unbelievable. I would think that your family should support you no matter what you decide to move! But I guess not.
Well this is my decision and no one is stopping me from pursuing it. I hopped onto my stripped mattress and stared at what was my bedroom for my whole childhood. I shook my head and took my suitcase and said goodbye. I looked to see if my parents had faced me to say goodbye, but they remained with their backs facing me.

I see how it is , I thought. By the time I was in the taxi I could see my mom had slightly changed her position to see me. Once she saw me make eye contact with her, she jerked back to her normal position with her back facing me.  I knew deep inside they still loved me, they were just scared for me to move to a different country alone.

During the taxi ride to the airport I couldn't stop thinking of how exciting this will be! I mean Korea is like a whole new world! I can't wait to buy tons of stationery and mochi's and bubble tea! Oh! I can't forget ramen! That made me think of all the mornings I would spend with my dad at Angie's Cafe. I got a little homesick at that moment but I realized that life isn't easy. But I'm willing to take that chance.

I thought of pulling out my journal and reviewing some Korean, but I told myself just to relax, that I would have plenty of time to do that on the plane. After all, I would have to study extra hard in school, might as well treat myself before the real hell starts. As the taxi ride was nearing the end, I paid the driver and grabbed my bags. I took one last look behind me and smiled. I walked straight forward in pride, with my face glowing with happiness. I couldn't wait to start this incredible journey.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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