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We stood in the black misty cloud of the portal. I knew I had some training to do with my new found abilities. I still couldn't walk with my weaknesses Ulquiorria had to carry me but I happy with that "So what are  going to now we defeated the hollow" I asked looking up at Ulquiorria "There's so many things we could do but for now lets return home" Ulquiorria replied with a smile.

1 Month Later...

I stared at the ticking clock as I frantically awaited my answer I had been waiting to hear for 3 weeks. The white boring walls of the nurses office was killing me I couldn't wait any longer for an answer I was about to go insane. "Ray" I stood up from the seat and followed the nurse down the hall into a dark and boring room. "Please take a seat I have something to tell you"I took a seat in front of her desk and the look on her face scared me even more I got a glare for about a minute and a half. "Could you just please tell me I've been sick for the past 3 weeks could you just give me an answer" I said angrily "Ray your not sick" the nurse said giving me that look again.

"Well what is it then" I asked "Your not sick your perfectly healthy" she said looking down at the blood test results. "Then if I'm healthy why have I been really sick for the past 3 weeks" I asked angrily "I think you might want to look at blood test results and see for your self"she said passing me the piece of paper. I looked at the paper and my heart stopped "WHAT NO THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING" I shouted trying hard to breathe. "Yes Ray the reason you were sick is because your pregnant" the nurse said smiling "Why are you smiling I can't have a baby I'm only 17 my parents will kill me and how could I tell Ulquiorria" I choked on my words as I looked at my feet.

"Take it as a gift Ray I'm sure everything will work out find" she said with that smile of hers again. "I have to go now" I said slowly getting up from my seat. When I was finally out the hospital I burst into tears my parents were going to kill me and Ulquiorria what if he doesn't want me any more I couldn't live with that I needed him by my side forever. I had been walking for about half an hour now and I couldn't think straight I couldn't face going home right now "Hey Ray" Ichigo shouted I turned around to see him walking towards me "Have you been crying" Ichigo asked looking at me.

"It's all over" I said looking down again. "What do you mean" Ichigo asked confused "I'm PREGANT" I screamed at the top of my longs. Ichigo then just stood staring at me "So your going to give me that look too great" I shouted angrily "No look behind you" Ichigo said. I then turned to see Ulquiorria stood there starting too "Your also going to stare please don't leave me I need you" I said falling to the ground sobbing. Ulquiorria then knelt down and wrapped his arms around me "I will never leave you I love you too much and our baby" Ulquiorria said lifting up my shirt and kissing my stomach. "There's no way I can keep this baby my parents will kick me out and with no money how are we supposed to look after it" I sobbed.

"Then we'll find a place we can cope its going to be tough but I'll be there for you both" Ulquiorria said smiling. "But aren't you angry about this" I asked him "Look at me Ray" Ulquiorria said lifting my chin with his hand "You changed me and my life your amazing and the baby is a blessing for us we must love it" Ulquiorria said kissing my forehead. "Alright if your sure we can do it then I know we can" I said smiling at him " I know we can forever and always I will love you both" Ulquiorria said gently pressing his lips to mine.

Me and Ulquiorria were once again sat at table with my mum and dad facing us. I couldn't get the words out my mouth was bone dry and I was nervously shaking "Ray are you alright you look scared" my dad asked I still couldn't get a word out. "Should I tell them" Ulquiorria asked I just nodded Ulquiorria then took a breath in "Ray's pregnant" he said fidgeting looking at my parents. My mums face all of a sudden drained from its normal colour to a pale shade of white you'd only see when it snowed. "Please don't hate us" I said looking down. "Ray we'd never hate you its just a real shock" my dad said scratching his head "Ray I think you can do this" my mum said fainting on the floor. "Dad is she okay" I asked "She's just fine she always faints when she's shocked" he said. "So she believe's I can really do it raise a child" I said "It's a huge shock but It's going to be tough" my dad said looking at me and Ulquiorria "I will always be there for Ray and our baby" Ulquiorria said smiling "Our baby" I said looking down and touching my stomach.

So our new life awaits us...

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