Chapter 13: New Guardians

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Fred's Dad, Alex, came back home from the military. Then Darimian is on the hunt for the 3 missing elements, Light, Dark, and Earth. Then on his hunt for the creepypasta realm, which in result that smile dog spotted Darimian and alerted the other creepypastas and resulted to find Fred who is the owner of the creepypasta stone, which leads that Fred has no time yet.

At Arctisian academy, Sarah is at the cafeteria with Alhina, She is waiting for Fred at the enterance.

Somehow, Fred is at the room, completing his activities as he feels that he is hungry. So he got up, grabbed the activities, and went to the cafeteria.

As Fred arrived at the cafeteria, he found Sarah sitting with Alhina, so he went to the counter to get some food with his assignments and went to Sarah's table. Sarah smiled at Fred as he smiled back.

Meanwhile outside the school, a black car arrived as Justin is outside. as the car opened a man in a black suit went outside, and approaches Justin. "Agent Samuels..." he said like he introduced himself.

"Welcome to Arctisian Academy Agent Samuels, i am Agent Holland." Says as they shake their hands and the two agents went inside the school.

As they arrived at the guidance office, Justin pulled a red book to reveal a door. And the two agents entered.

Meanwhile, Sarah still keeps on waiting for Justin. Just for him to tell everything about her powers. While she is waiting, she saw Drake, the president of the school council, walking by and monitor the hallways that all students we're in class. 

"Seems that he doesn't have classes today." She said to herself. 

While a teacher is still keep on calling on Sarah, means she is in trouble by not participating in class. Until she snaps out of it. And the whole class laughs.

Meanwhile to Justin, he is with Agent Samuels in front of a big screen. There was also a table with a red button that Justin pressed which resulted the screen turned on and a mysterious man appeared but in shadow.

"Agent Holland, Agent Samuels." The figure said
"Sir!" The two agents replied
"Welcome back from the military Agent Samuels, but you have some work to do." The figure said
"Thank you sir, i will do my best." Agent Samuels replied
"And as for you Agent Holland, you have recruits?" The figure asked.
"Yes sir!"Justin said as he scan 3 files which contains Sarah, Alhina, and Fred.

The man received it and said "Good job Agent Holland. You may both dismissed!"
"Sir!" The two said

As they left the room, Agent Samuels said "Really Justin! My son!?" Asked that he is very angry
"He has potential Alex, i know your son will do just fine, just like we did in our times." Justin said, as Alex remembered their days.
"So if i were you, support your son and help him secretly." Justin added
"Ok fine, but please make sure he doesn't die." Alex warned.
"I will Alex, i promise." Justin replied.

Meanwhile to Darnimian, he is still searching for the creepypasta realm. But he still fails. He set up camp in the forest, waiting a person or creepypasta or animals to kill. He didn't know, slenderman was stalking him, just to report that he is still finding their realm. 

Back at the school, Agent Samuels finally left and it was almost school time. Justin is at the Guidance office, looked at the picture with 11 people, looked young, maybe it was their time. He remembered something. Flashbacks...

"Someone will come by sir, i promise they will stop that man who will always use the arctisian powers of natural elements... I can see it." Young Justin said.
"Lets hope for the best. We don't know when will it happen again but we need to be ready Justin... I need you to train them." The man said, looked like a teacher.

Fast foward at the flashback...

"Alex, can i tell you something." Justin said
 "Ok then." Alex replied
"You and Christine... you two will have a son, he is one of our recruits. He will be a good asset." Justin said
"Bro, are you sure about that?" Alex asked
"Yes." Justin answered.

Fast foward again at the flashbacks...

A girl that Alex loved(Christine) came from a portal and was in a graduation outfit.

"Hey babe" Christine said
"Hey baby!" Alex replied in his graduation outfit and kissed her.
"Am i late?" Christine asked
"No you are not." Justin answered instead.

"Team." Someone said as 10 people just as same age as young Alex, Justin, and Christine
"Congratulations to our team, but im afraid to say this." He continues this with a sigh
"We need to take back your powers again. For the safety. But im letting someone keep the box so if you need it again, you might be able to contact him." He continues

Fast foward once again...

At a hospital, Christine was in the bed with Fred, and had a baby in her arms
"So what's the name? and what's the gender?" A woman said.
"Fred... his name was Fred. And he is a boy" Alex said 

The Flashback stops and Justin remembers what Fred said. And realize that he needs to keep his promise.

Then a few hours later, the bell chimed that it's home time. Mean to say that Sarah is coming. And on cue, Sarah knocked the door and Justin opened it.

"Hello Sarah, please come in." Justin greeted as Sarah came in.

"Please sit down..." Justin said, so Sarah sat down infront of Justin.
"Can i borrow your ring?" Justin asked, which confused Sarah
"Why?" Sarah asked.
"Don't worry, i won't confiscate them. I have to show you something, it relates to your ring, to the fact i also know its capabilites and its power." Justin said which made Sarah suprised that he might know that she is Patamis.

Justin stood up and went to the cabinet and grabbed something, a box. And he went back to Sarah. As Justin opened it, he took the top-left piece of the star and puts it. And transformed into Timingus. Sarah was shocked about what she saw.

"Welcome Patamis. I am Timingus." Timingus said
"So ummm... sir... or timingus... or Sir Timingus? What are those?" Sarah asked.
"These are the Arctisian powers." Timingus said, and now he asked "you saw those three colored circles?" Sarah nodded. Then Timingus continued "that's your power. You, Essarina, and Faliao. The blue one is yours Patamis powers, the green is Essarina and the red one is Faliao. But the middle one, the pentagon. It has been stolen, and i know you have any idea because i foresaw the future. And i know for a fact it's Darnimian, he had it and Faliao told me."
"Faliao?" Sarah asked
"Yes, i spoke to him first already, oh and before you ask, no im not going to tell you who he really is because its the part of the rules, same as Essarina, which i also talked to her. No one must know their true identity." Timingus said, he then added "your power, it's just like Faliao and Essarina's powers, they chose you instead of anyone chose them. They trusted you. So i suggest you take care alright?"
"Yes sir!" Sarah replied.

The clock chimed, reminding them that it's hometime for teachers. So Timingus detransformed back to Justin and said "you take care now." So they both went outside.
"Thank you sir." Sarah replied as she left and waving goodbye.

"Welcome Faliao, Patamis, and Essarina. Your journey starts now." Justin spoke to himself.

 To Be Continued... 

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