Last Part:
Justin Holland (Agent Holland) met an agent named Agent Samuels, which is Fred's dad, Alex Samuels. That someone gave them a mission. And Justin talked to Sarah already about her powers.
Darnimian is still finding the creepypasta realm. And slenderman is still stalking him but realized, their portal is close to where Darnimian was now. So slenderman teleported right away.
Meanwhile, Fred is now in his house and texting Sarah, he was there very happy, not until his father knocked on the door. He went out of his bed and reached the door to answer.
“Yes dad?” Fred said
“Hey son can you come with me for a moment?” Alex asked
“Sure!” Fred answeredSo they went downstairs up to their basement, Alex turned on the lights and as they can see, there are so many old things, old papers, old photographs. It even has Alex and Christine’s graduation pictures. Fred didn’t believe they we’re in the same school as he was, and both of them graduated highschool.
“Yeah son, me and your mom we’re students in your school back then, your teachers, and more. I can’t believe the teachers you met we’re still loyal to that school, your mom and I thought going back here when we graduated in college, have you and Katrina and go to this school, but next year, you will be the one guiding her to your school.” Alex said
And still Fred was surprised.
Back to the creepypastas, the slender man successfully chased Darnimian out of the portal then teleports back to his realm. Once he arrived, smiley approached to slenderman.
“So any updates?” Smiley asked
“Darnimian is now away for now.” Slenderman answered.
Back to Darnimian, he ran as fast as he could to get away from the monster he saw. As fast as he could and little did he know at the same time he is far from the portal. He stopped at the oak tree and sat down, and transformed to his normal self, he has black messy hair and little brown skin, he wore a black jacket and a red T-Shirt, and leggings.
Darnimian asked himself “Why is it so hard to find that portal?”
And Darnimian talks to himself “If slenderman scared me, it means I am near the portal, i should go back then.”
As he is about to get up, he is still forced to sit down because he is tired. He said “Maybe later…”Back to Fred then, he is still in the basement with his father, Fred saw golf clubs.
“Those my boy, it was your great grandpa, he passed away but I can tell you that he likes golfing. I'm gonna miss my grandpa.” Alex said
“How did he know what I am looking at and know my question?” Fred asked himself through his mind. He is completely suspicious of his father now as if he knows what he is going to ask.
“Ho ho ho…” Alex cheered as if he found something.
“Here it is my boy.” Said as he put a box in a table, “These are my memories and completely a lot of stuff that i don’t need.” He continued
“Why don’t you need it anymore?” Fred asked
“Ehhh, there are some things that i don’t use, not unless you want to use them.”
Alex answered, he continued “there are some research papers of mine, some certificates, Cards, and more. You are going to find out by yourself.”Fred keeps on looking at what is in the basement and found an old picture of his father, his mother, he also found the younger version of Justin, and 7 more. They we’re like a team, a team of 10.
“Dad, who are these people with you?” Fred asked
“That my boy is my past schoolmates, we're all graduated from high school. Me, your mother…” Alex answered.
“Why is his face so familiar?” Fred asked, pointing at the picture where Justin is.
“That will be for another time son.” Alex said as he puts down the picture and cleans the basement.Meanwhile back at Darnimian, he finally found the portal, he approaches it again and this time, no creepypasta’s are chasing Darnimian away and this time, Darnimian is now trying to figure out how to open the portal not until he found something flashy near him. A portal that a smile dog came out, a perfect chance to get in, so Darnimian activated the elemental power of wind to become invisible and walked through the portal unseen. On the other side, the creepypasta realm, Darnimian finally got through and saw a huge ruined castle, darkness is everywhere.
“Now to control…” Darnimian said as he walks towards the castle.
In the castle, Slenderman was there outside the window and saw Darnimian got in the realm, so he teleported to him quickly and used his tentacles to grab Darnimian, but Darnimian’s senses we’re too strong so he dodged them and throws the ice boomerang towards him, making slenderman froze. Darnimian continues to explore the realm and still tries to find the elemental power of Darkness. Finally Darnimian arrived at the front of the Castle and opened the door, there he found a sleeping blue hedgehog at the couch, so Darnimian also froze it with his powers used against slenderman. The castle was very huge and it will be hard to find a boomerang that has powers of the darkness, but it's easy for Darnimian because he knows where it was located. So Darnimian focused on the mission and went down to the castle, but as he go down, outside a portal opened and Smile Dog arrived, and he saw a frozen slenderman and he quickly ran in the castle to find Darnimian and found Sonic in the couch frozen as well, so he quickly went back to the real world to find Fred once again.
Next Part:
Darnimian finally attacks the creepypasta realm, and about time that the creepypastas will need help from Fred. Will Fred accept the mission and save the realm?

School Of Legends: DEMO
FantasíaThere was a transferred boy named fred in the Arctisian Integrated Academy School that he's not familiar yet, but said he is the true hero. Read to see him on his journey with his new abilities and new friends and foes and face challenges along the...