Author note

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I hope you guys are enjoying the story.
I thought before writing the next chapter I should talk with you guys about the next chapter.

The next chapter is bad one actually. When I was writing this story I thought it would be a good turn for the story, but i really don't know how you guys going to react about it. I am little bit scared for the reaction which i will get from you guys.

But i want you guys to hold on this book till last, because their are many secret which will revealed at the end.

And I know You guys will find jungkook the worst person after the next chapter that you guys want to kill him. But believe me I will make everything fall to right pieces by the end of this book.

If you guys want to know anything about me or if you guys have any questions you are free to ask me I will answer it by the end of this book.

Good bye and have a good day

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