Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Makki's POV


Why did I send that message? What is my problem? Seriously, he's not interested Takahiro. Get. Over. It.


I was awoke by a loud noise blaring from my bedside table, I was barely awake and for a moment couldn't identify where this noise was coming from.


It won't shut up.

After getting myself together I facepalmed realizing it was just my stupid alarm, I picked up my phone turning off the alarm and flinging my phone to the end of the bed shoving my face back into my pillow ready to go back to sleep.




Wait, what time is it...?




Shit. I'm late.

I shot up from my bed getting a little dizzy from the sudden motion, but that didnt matter right now.

I hurried to the bathroom to bolting to the mirror to see my appearance.

I look like a god damn nightmare, I had dark bags under my eyes from staying up too late thinking last night, i'm such an idiot.


After about 30 minuets of scrambling around hopelessly getting ready I scrolled over my millions of texts from Oikawa, and Matsu (Iwa was pretty chill)

After throwing on a pink sweater, black skinny jeans with holes, and a black beanie that covered must of my hair except a few strands that stuck out, trust me, I tried to tame them.

I grabbed my phone and wallet and bolted out the door and in the direction of the theater where we said we would meet up.


After tripping once and getting a small scrapes I made it to the theater to see a pissed Oikawa, an annoyed Iwa trying to calm Oikawa down and a bored Matsu staring down at his phone.




Damn he looked good.




God dammit Makki, you dont have time to think about that stuff, get your shit together, please.


After a long lecture from Oikawa and mocking a little with Matsu we made our way into the theater.

For some reason, the whole time we were getting snacks and tickets I felt a pair of eyes on me, I wasn't really sure where they were coming from.

Matsu's being strangely quiet behind me.



Once we settled in our seats I sat in between Matsu and Iwa, and Oikawa obviously sat on the other side of Iwa.

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