Chapter 2

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   Chapter 2


Matsu's POV


Everything makes sense now.

The pull I felt towards Hanamaki when we were first years.

Woah, that's crazy...

I found my soulmate.

I haven't told anyone about it yet, I mean I just barely turned 18 and found out myself.

Wow, what are the odds?

My best friend and Meme Team partner is my soulmate. Wait, does he know about it? I mean his birthday is before mine, but he didn't even seem to bring it up at all around me...which is strange, because usually i'm the first one to know about shit like this with him...


Why are Iwa and Oikawa pulling this again?

I'm sitting in the cafeteria next to a tense Makki and across from a lovey dovey Oikawa and Iwaizumi feeding each other food they made for their own lunch.

As I continue to munch on the onigiri in front of me, I feel Hanamaki shift uncomfortably next to me. Nobody has said a word to each other this whole lunch except Oikawa whispering sweet nothings into each others ears.


"Are you guys done?-" I finally speak up, my voice has a little more of an annoyed edge to it than I wanted, but I couldn't help it, this was starting to piss me off.

Hanamaki bit into his bottom lip a little before adding "Yeah, this is getting a little too gross, especially while we're eating, you're gonna make me lose my appetite." he teased them leaning forward on his elbows and giving them a small challenging smirk

"Makkkkkiiii, that's so rude. Can't you see we're in love." He said leaning into Iwa and batting his eyelashes, as the slightly embarrassed Iwa lazily pushed him off.

I just blinked at them lazily and continued to eat.


Volleyball practice wasn't as bad,

Still not great though...

"Come on you guys, you're weirding out the first years," I said to Iwa and Oikawa irritated.

Currently, Oikawa was doing little finger hearts at Iwa who was in the back row next to Makki instead of the normal hand signals, this kind of made it impossible for Makki(a wing spiker) to know what the hell was happening

"What does that even mean????" Makki complained hunching over defeated.


After volleyball practice was over I helped clean up and then made my way to the locker room to change back to normal clothes with a defeated Hanamaki trailing behind me.

As I was getting changed near my locked I could feel a pair of eyes on me.

I turned my head to catch the eyes of a curious Makki behind me, but only for a moment before they quickly darted away as he finished getting ready, I swear I could have seen a hint of red painted across his cheeks.

I gave him a confused glance, he avoided my gaze with his embarrassed and flustered one. He basically almost sprinted out of the locker room when he finished up.


After I was done I met up with Makki outside the gym, like after every practice.


The walk home was silent at first.

Makki was quietly staring at the ground, the redness of his face calmed down. What a shame, it was adorable.

"So, what was that in the locker room?" I blurted out, I caught him and myself off guard with that question, but somehow I kept my cool and calm composure as I continued to stare in front of me.

"W-what?" I could basically feel the embarrassment radiate off of the boy next to me.

"You heard me, Makki" I couldn't hold it back anymore, I laughed. He's so adorable.

"Stop laughing Mattsunnnnn." he complained hunching over defeated again. "I was looking over to see if you were almost done yet..." He mumbled, I couldn't really tell if that was the truth to be honest.

"If you say so, though I wouldn't be surprised if you were just checking me out, i've got a pretty amazing body" I teased flexing my bicep with a proud and smug look on my face.

Makki just laughed and smirked over at me "You wish." he laughed a bit more slugging me in the arm lightly, I swear his face is red again, it's hard to tell in the darkness though.


Once we got to his house we went our separate ways.

That was weird.

Makki has never once tried looking over to see if i'm done, he's never tried rushing me to get done either.

Why do I feel strangely...disappointed...?


Anyways, I wonder what mom is making for dinner tonight...


Finally, my bed, my glorious, glorious bed.

I stretched my sleepy limbs across my bed, my legs almost reaching the end of the bed.

I let out a long yawn and sighed, I pulled out my phone and saw a few messages from the 3rd year group chat.

. . .

Alien Trash: Yoo-Hoo <3, we should do something this weekend, all of us.

Godzilla:Look how late it is, you should be asleep, Shittykawa.

Alien Trash: Whaaa, so mean Iwa-chan. Anyways, what do you guys say?

Memeteamfounder: Sure, but where?

Alien Trash: Idk, like the movies or smthn

Thequietone: Sure.

Memeteamfounder: Oh, hey Matsu.

Thequietone: Yo.

Alien Trash: Perfect, well im going to go get my beauty sleep. Goodnight Makki, Matsu. Good night, Iwa-chan~~~

Godzilla:...Goodnight, Shittykawa.

Alien Trash: So meannnn...

. . .

Great, now I have to deal with those two.


At least I get to see Makki. That's a win.

Speaking of which...

. . .

Thequietone: Ready to be 3rd and 4th wheels?


Memeteamfounder: Always. Y'know...we don't have to though...

. . .


. . .

Thequietone: Wdym?




Memeteamfounder: Nevermind don't worry about it, goodnight Mattsun!✌️

Thequietone: Goodnight, Makki.

. . .


That was weird.


Aaaand that's a wrap for chapter 2!

Almost 1,000 wordssss, so close!


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