Part XII: Desperation

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Part XII: Desperation

When Harry and Draco arrived back to Hogwarts, Ron and Hermione were waiting for them. They each greeted Harry with a hug and a faint smile to Draco. The four of them set off inside, Draco parting ways to go to his dorm. When Harry Ron and Hermione were in the common room, each friend went up to their rooms and came down with a present each for Harry. The brunette hurried to his room as well, coming down with two small presents for his friends as well.

"Mrs. Malfoy took Draco and I out shopping on Christmas Eve in Diagon Alley, it was really quite nice," he handed Ron and Hermione their gifts. "I couldn't help but think about you two the whole time I was there, it was strange not spending Christmas with you," his friends smiled, Hermione opening hers first. She found a small trinket box with fancy engravings on it.

"Oh Harry, this is beautiful, you shouldn't have spent so much on me," she hugged him firmly, admiring the tiny details.

"It was nothing, I wanted to get you both really nice things," Hermione hugged him again and kissed his cheek. Ron opened his next and found a stately pocket watch that told the time, the day, month and year, and also the temperature and moon phase.

"Harry, how much did this cost, you got us such lavish things this year," but Ron hugged him anyway, Harry returning it.

"To apologize for not telling you two about Draco right away, to apologize for missing a Christmas with my two best friends, and because you two deserve it," Harry smiled and the three shared a group hug.

"You're really wonderful, you know that Harry," Hermione kissed his cheek again and smiled kindly. Harry opened his gifts to find a letter opener, and a new quill and ink well.

"Exactly what I needed, thanks," he smiled genuinely, and looked around. "I suppose there's another sweater from your mum too, right Ron?"

"Oh yeah, that," Ron scratched the back of his head. "It's on your bed, it was wrapped with mine," the three chuckled then carefully put their gifts away back in their dorms. They came back to sit around the fire, watching the flames spitting and licking the sides of the fireplace. They were glad to be back in each other's company and the silence only proved that their friendship was strong. They sat for a long while, not saying a word, Harry unaware that Ron had slipped his arm around Hermione and in turn her head was resting on his shoulder. They were interrupted by a first year Gryffindor.

"Uhm, Harry Potter?" the boy said with a tremble in his voice. Harry looked over at the boy.


"There's someone outside the Common Room asking for you," the boy hurried off to sit in a corner with his friends. Harry looked to Ron and Hermione, noticed their affection and smiled a little.

"It's probably Draco, I'll be just a moment," Harry stood and left the common room to find his lover outside.

"I thought maybe we could spend some time, the library?" Harry nodded to this.

"Let me just tell Ron and Hermione. I'll meet you there?" Draco nodded too and walked off.

A little while later, Harry joined Draco in a back corner of the library. Draco had a letter in front of him on the table; he looked up to Harry but didn't smile when he saw him. Harry joined him, sitting down across from him.

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