male human X hurt werewolf reader

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You snarl as you limp through the woods. You can feel blood soak your fur and your right leg is practically useless with an arrow sticking through it. "I guess this is where my life ends" you mumble with a with a small sigh. There is no point to go on, they killed your pack, burned your land, and hunted you for years. Heaving a heavy sigh you lean your back against an old oak tree and slide to the ground. You can feel blood loss and exhaustion creeping up on you. Although the thought of death scares you you choose to think of the better things that will come out of it. You'll see your pack again, you won't be in pain, you won't have to deal with brutal winters and starvation anymore. A smile graces your muzzle as you start to black out. The last thing your senses pick up is pressure on your bad leg, someone gasping, and your body shifting back into its human form with the sound of your armor clanking.

*Gillen POV*

I mumble to myself as I track through the woods looking for some herbs that my brother requires. "Your the younger one, I have a wife so I can't go, Its not like you have anything better to do." I mock my older brothers words. He isn't even that much older, its only by two years! Its not like I'm some goofy 12 year old kid. I'm 17 and perfectly able to function on my own. I was ao caught up in my thoughts I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking. I step on what feels like a wet log and gasp. I look down to see a werewolf, and it looks like its in the process of shifting to a human again. "Aw hell no!" I screech before turning around and running. I continue till im out of breath, which isn't that far. Once I catch my breath I look down at the foot I stepped on the beast with. Its covered in dark red blood! Now that I think of it, why would a werewolf be lying on the ground, have someone step on it, and still lay there if it was not fatally injured. "Maybe I should hel- WHAT AM I THINKING?!" I shout aloud. After several minutes of thinking I head towards the house.

*Third POV*

Once the boy reaches his house he heads for the horses stable. Once there he saddles his favorite horse and grabs some rope. He then proceeds to mount his horse and head back to where he saw the wolf. Once he gets there he sees the wolf has shifted back into its wolf form. Hoping of his horse he approaches it carefully and pokes it with a stick. Once seeing its out cold he ties its large paws together, mussels it, and ties it to his horse. "I don't want to drag you back home, buuuut if you wake up I don't want you to claw me" the boy mumbles to him self. With that he sets off twords his house.

*random thing I did, yay! If anyone actually reads and like this Ill finish it and continue making oneshots, if not, its lost in the void of Wattpad!*

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