Here are some custom diseases that I just randomly made. Most of them are in splatoon.
(This is copied off my discord explaination)alright- Inklapper: what can cause the disease is yet to be discovered. What we know is that it causes the humanoid form of any cethalopod to become distorted. This forces them to be in 'squid/octo/etc' form for long periods of time. Not doing so means that they will slowly melt into some kind of goo (similar to santilization goop), causing the cethalopod to die. They can experience seizures, coughing out blood and in rare cases, body fluids leaking out of eyeballs. If they choose to stay in 'Squid/octo/etc' form, soon enough they will start to die of blood loss. There is no known cure yet.
That's all for now.
Me messing around :V
Short Story- This is my first story...... ( so no cover either ) I may include FNAF, JSAB . and more :V -