Chapter 26

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Moonbyul's POV

  "Thank you for coming to my fan meeting! I'll be expecting your pretty and handsome faces next time, okaayyy?" I said through the mic as the Moomoos' yelled 'yes!' making me smile in gratitiude. I waved at them goodbye as I made my way backstage and unto the waiting room. 

  I went inside and immediately spotted Ria who was fast asleep on the couch. "She said she was not feeling well so we let her take a nap on the couch." Hwasa said while munching on the brownie which is another gift from a fan.

 ""Thanks for looking after her though." I said and they both grinned at each other. I bent down on one knee infront of her and caressed her cheeks which caused her to stir and groaned as she gently opened her eyes.

 "Hi sleepy angel....." I softly greeted her. "Hi...." she replied then yawned making me go soft.. Awww~ She's so cute!

 She went back to closing her eyes attempting to go back to sleep. I decided to tease her a little bit and pinned her arms above her head which made her eyes widen. Caught ya!

 "Yah! Yah-Yah! That's innappropriate! Innocent kids in the room!" I heard Hwasa yelled as she covered Wheein's eyes who looked like she enjoyed what she's seeing.

 "What? I'm just stretching her arms up!" I chuckled innocently. "Aigoo~" I pushed her arms back for her to stretch .

 "Jeez! This is too much for my innocent eyes! Come on Wheein-ah, Let's leave these two alone." Hwasa said while taking one of the box containing with sweets on her hand and took Wheein's hand and left the room, not forgetting to close the door behind leaving Ria and I alone.

 "Jeez.. They're enjoying the gifts that are meant for me." I sighed while I sat beside her feeling tired and hungry. I'm not in the mood to eat sweets today.

"Ahhhh~ I'm so hungry!" I whined and closed my eyes. She rose up from her sitting position and took something from her bag.

"Here." she handed me the daily diet food making my forehead crease in confusion.

"You said you didnt bring any."  I asked while taking the lunch pack from her hand. "I just teased you ... Sorryyy!" she giggled making me pout.

 I took off my blazer and loosen my tie to unbutton my button-down shirt, trying to let in some air

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 I took off my blazer and loosen my tie to unbutton my button-down shirt, trying to let in some air.

  "If you want me to forgive you... feed me." I said leaning back and rest my head on my hands on the wall gave her a serious look. She rolled her eyes in annoyance making my mouth twitch into a sly smirk.

"F-Fine..." she whined and I pulled her sit on my lap as she took the plastic fork and started feeding me some salad and fruits.

Ria's POV

  Are you sure you want to eat salad instead of eating sweet buffet? " I asked a little hesitantly while giving her orange juice while her fingers tapped a pattern on my hip. AAAAAAGHHHHHHH!!!! If only she knew what effect she's giving me just by doing th

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