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we went down and I went to the dinning room and was struggling getting on the stool so ryland came and helped me up
r: shorty
me: hey! not my fault these are high up
r: there not even that tall-
me: ok giant
r: I'm ur giant th-
n: do NOT finish that sentence
nick scooted a seat next to me and boy he wasn't lying when he said he gets a lot
n: here's ur coffee
he was about to take a sip but I took it and also took his
me: ry I think u got an extra coffee
r: oh ya oops
I was about to hand him nicks drink but nick snatched it back
n: bitch-
me: oh u love me
he tried to pout and I did too and he started to smile
av: u sure yall are just besties??
me: VANI
i ran to her almost falling from getting off the chair
ch: jeez- shortie
me: shut uppp
ne: I'm even taller then u and I'm short-
me: NESS
I hugged her
me: oh and ur taller then me by an inch
ne: still
we laughed
r: where my hug?
av: stop flirting with her she's not interested
r: oh she will be tho
a: who would like u??
r: uh every girl I like
me: except for me
r: that's what they all say
n: and this is why I don't want u two dating
r: what? why?
nick wrapped his arms around my shoulders
n: cuz if y'all date u will like someone else and she will prob like u back and then u will prob cheat on brookie, and when she finds out she will be a mess if those feelings were real and who will have to take care of her?-
av+k: me
they looked at each other and us 3 laughed
n: I was gonna say me-
r: dude I wouldn't do that to her
k: still I'm practically the mom here and if she get hurt because of u I'm beating ur a-
a: okkk and that's enough
we all laughed
me: yall don't need to worry about him hurting me cuz we'll never be a "thing"
r: why notttt
me: I like someone else
r: if u kissed u would u change ur mind?
me: what n-
I got cut off my him kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his neak and nicks arms were no longer around my shoulders. ryland had his arms around my waist
p: YOO WASS- what is
ne: shh
k: why sh?
ne: idk?
they were whispering but I still heard them. we pulled away (his arms around my waist and my arms around his neak tho still) and he was smiling
r: so? still like that guy?
me: as good as that was... yes, yes I do
he pulled away and groaned
r: ughhh how can I get u to like meeeee
n: wait u don't like him??
me: no- wait why are u so surprised by that?
n: just uh... cuz u kissed him b-back
me: ok? also Patrick...
p: yes? that's me
me: yea no shit- u are loud
p: in what wa-
me: do NOT go there
we all laughed and finally actually ate. I drank my coffee and was really energetic. I ran into Alex's and kouvrs room
a: oh wow... look who's here
he was recording lIkE alWaYs
k: wassup brooke?
me: nothing I feel really energetic tho
a: ofc-
I started to randomly dance and I jumped on their bed
a: holy shit-
I was saying random things loudly
a: wth did u take?
me: nothing
a: u sure?
me: yes, I don't even need drugs cuz I'm crazy as is so HAH
k: yea... u should know that by now alex plus she's underage
I shot my head up and looked at her
a: so? she doesn't even follow rules
me: exacto
n: wth is going on?
a: nick take ur cr- bestie somewhere else she's to much rn
he laughed
n: ight
he picked me up
me: nooooo kouvr help meeeee
k: sorry b-
nick took me to his room and sat me on his bed
n: calm.down
me: sweatshirt
n: huh?
me: omg ur dumb... ill help myself then
I got up and got his blue champion hoodie
n: ohhhh hoodie
me: no dur... what else would hoodie mean?
n: I for some reason thought u were saying huddie
me: oml- ok now cuddles
n: ok then
he laughed and I was about to get in his bed when I started cramping
me: after I use the restroom
I went to the rest room and saw that I ofc started... ugh worst time of the month EVER. I saw I only had one pad left and groaned cuz I didn't wanna leave the house anytime soon. I got done and went back to nicks room
n: u ok? u took a while
me: yea I'm fine-
n: u look tired- b u need sleep
I groaned and flopped on his bed laying sideways, my legs up a little,  holding my stomach
n: ill brb
I nodded
✰n i c k s p o v✰
I think its Brookes time of month- I went to the bathroom and saw the pad cover thing in the trash. I knew it was from her cuz its my bathroom. I decided to go to the store but i wasn't able to drive yet so I got Alex to take me, and thank god kouvr came with. we got to the store and they both looked at me
a: ok so why are we here?
me: I- uh just wanted to come
a: ok...? imma go look around text me where to meet u
I nodded and he left. kouvr was about to go with him but I stopped her
me: kouvr so uh... what do I get for a girl when its that time of month?
k: Brooke?
I nodded
me: howd u know?
k: 1st off u don't talk to any other girls that I know of and 2ndly shes been having mood swings lately
me: ok... well what do I get her?
k: know her get her pads cuz she is to scared to use a tampon even though she's 16, chocolate or candy in general and whatever u think is necessary
me: got it, thank u
k: np
I first went to the candy section and got a snickers, m&ms, dove chocolate, the big bag of sour patch kids and got me some candy too. I went to the chips and got her takis and Cheetos for both of us. I then went to the woman section... there were so many choices I didnt know what to get. I went with the night time ones and day time ones... whatever the difference is and went to check out. the checkout I went to had an older woman.
?: these for ur gf?
me: uh n-no their for my best friend
why am I studdering?? I keep on shuddering when I talk about br- oh no no no I cant like her... that cant be the reason, if it is I stg-
?: ah okay, well I can already tell ur a good bf even if u don't have a gf
I smiled
me: thanks
I payed and all that and texted Alex to meet me at the exit/entrance. they finally got there and I went up to my room once we got to the house. Brooke was on her phone and looked up at me and looked confused when she saw the bags
me: these are mostly for u
I handed her the bags and she looked in them and smiled. she hugged me
b: thank you teddy
I blushed at the new nickname... wait no stop nick- u can't like ur bsf
me: teddy?
she pulled away and look a little worried
b: uh if u d-dont like it thats fine I just-
I cut her off
me: I love it
she smiled and I smiled back
me: how about we do the movie night we were ment to do today angel?
♡u r p o v♡
I smiled at his nickname and felt my face get hot- no no no whyyy? I can't like him, hes my best friend!
me: u know it
we cuddled and ate some of the food. I soon fell asleep and he kissed my forehead and whispered something I somehow couldn't here
✰n i c k s p o v✰
me: goodnight love
I turned off the TV and fell asleep

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