Who? (Part 1)

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Section 1:

     Finally, some good sleep. My head resting peacefully on the pillow of my bed. No one entirely knows how such a small villager like myself was capable of climbing up onto the top-bunk and into the spare bed in the house; but, I managed to pull it off every night... If only he wasn't there to ruin my perfectly good night of sleep.

     As if on que, I heard the creak of a door, and one tired footstep followed by another. I listened-in fearfully as the sound of iron armor being dismantled and placed sloppily on the floor made the wooden floor boards creak. I heard my older roommates stir in their state of half sleep, but not wake fully. Oh.. why me? Why can't he bother the others?! Why does, out of everyone here, the human have to bother me?!

     In a blur of several shades of blue, a large form rose to my level, climbing in a memorized pattern into my bed. I groaned in annoyance but didn't fight back as the entirety of my small form was scooted to the foot of the bed. In an instant, my face was met with stinky, calloused feet. The human settled in a little more, curling under the blanket I had been laying on, and fell fast asleep.

     I "hurrrr"ed in annoyance. Really?! I just lay there at the foot of my own bed, trying to make use of the small space I was given and fall asleep as well. It didn't help when the occasional soft kick came my way, reminding me once again of the situation I was stuck in every night. No matter what I did or said in the past, the human never listened. He didn't even seem to understand my words, or the uncomfortable position I had to sleep in every night. Of course, it was also likely that he just didn't care! Likely he had just been ignoring me all this time. What a pufferfish!

     Though it took an unbearable ammount of time, eventually, I was thankfully able to fall to sleep. ... My wake wasn't any better. Before I could even wake up fully, I found myself falling a block and a half down onto one of the many large chests inside the house. It wasn't until I landed with a painful


that I realized I had just been kicked off my bed by the human himself. I watched as he hopped down from the bed while my mind was still recovering. The human hurried through his chests, not even caring to put back on his shoes and socks. Within a tired blink, I flinched as bread was suddenly shoved into my face. I just looked up curiously to see the human staring blankly down at me, waiting for me to grab the food he was offering.

     "That isn't exactly an apology, but I'll take it, I guess.." I groaned, snatching the bread from his hand. Even though I didn't really need it, there was no crossing the human and his mysterious ways. The human turned once the bread was in my grasp, and rushed to put on his shoes and armor. The other villagers finally began to stir when the human slammed the door behind him, once again in a hurry. Hhhh.. With him around, there was no time for nothing. Only work, work, work. Which, I guess I didn't mind, because it meant he was rarely in one place long enough to talk to, also meaning he was never in one place long enough to get in anyone's way. The only real downside to this was that the village was always changing.

• • •

     After a slow recovery from literally being kicked out of bed, I lazily opened the door of the house to let myself out into the beautiful place. The first thing you always see is green. The village may be small, but it makes up for it by melding beautifully in with it's peaceful gardens, little forest, free roaming animals, the calm river that passes through the barrier, and sweet aroma of honey oozing from the beehive near the very center of everything. I just stopped to take in a refreshing breath of it all. It certainly is a beautiful place to live; and smells WAY better than stinky human feet! That's for sure!.. Unfortunately, before I could finish enjoying the beautiful morning as I walked along the beaten roads, the human just had to demand our attention again.

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