Who? (Part 4)

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Section 9:

     "Yahaa! Bow before me, groundings! For is is I, Queen Lydia The Unbeatable!" A young villager stood on top of a small hill which all the students in my class were playing around. The kids often played King/Queen of The Hill during free time, and the last few weeks, Lydia had been the champion of all the games. She, obviously, was being very humble about it.

     "Oh, great queen of this land. I humbly offer myself as your servant. What do you ask of me?" Gracie kneeled down before her class-mate, deciding to play along.

     "Come. Help me create a battle arena, where everyone shall fight for glory! It shall be called.." She paused for emphasis. "..The Mud Pit." With that, rose a smirk on her face. Nearly the whole class cheered at the idea, liking the idea of a new game, and followed behind 'Queen Lydia' as she lead them to who knows where! I, of course, didn't follow. I had only been watching from the sidelines anyway, since I still had plenty of free time after building that chicken with Drake. Yep, it was still that same Saturday. The day had suddenly become very long, each minute dragging out until it felt like an hour. I just sat lazily with my back to a tree, trying to find out which was softer: the human's dog, or the grass I was sitting on and was surrounded by. The dog for one's fur was very tough. Fun to pet, but keeping more of a gruff texture to it. The grass, however, had a very smooth texture to it, and my fingers glided across their green surfaces like my hand would across water.

     I watched as Quancie secretly slid out of the young group, turning to face me. I wasn't sure if I should scowl at her, or ignore her so she wouldn't walk in my direction. Feeling nice, I chose to simply ignore her, which became harder and harder as I heard her footsteps come closer to my current location.

     "Hh, what is it?" I huffed when Quancie was only a couple blocks away. She said nothing. Instead, she sat down on the other side of the tree I was leaned against, and began playing with some pulled gras in her hands. We both sat in complete silence for quite some time, until my rival finally decided to speak up; softly, for a change.

     "..Listen, I know we don't get along too well, and we never have.. but, I just want to tell you thst I am sorry about your parents." She spoke. My eyebrow furrowed, and I internally scoffed. I smelled the stench of a liar. Why did she even care all of a sudden? She never even seemed to know about them before.

     "Pff, why do you care all of a sudden?" I stated my query. There was a little more silence, before,

     "I.. Have been doing a lot of research lately, and, I can see why you hate the human so much now. I mean, I almost did too.. if it weren't for Hokeson's help through it. He.. he really is a nice guy.. I have seen him try to talk to you quite a few times too-"

     "What do you want? Me to be brainwashed or something? Me to switch sides, so you will win the debate? Na-ah. I ain't buying your lies." I grumbled. Quancie sighed; I could hear her as she pulled more grass out to play with as well.

     "No.. It isn't that.. Sorry if I made it seem that way. Just.. I... I lost my parents too, you know?" I tilted my head, but didn't turn around the tree to look at her after her speech. I just waited for her to say more. "I am guessing you heard about the drowned incident." She said. I nodded, even though I knew she wasn't looking at me. I heard a very small sniffle escape the fearless girl, as her walls were broken down right behind me. Quickly, I began to piece things together. Wait, we're they?.. "The two infected.. were my parents." Quancie answered for me in a strangled tone, forcing herself not to break down completely. I listened silently, still: remembering the few times I had to tell others of the unfortunate news of my parents' deaths; how small and helpless I felt in those times. How it felt like there was literally no one to run to. Finally, I spoke with a gravely voice. Apparently I too was having a hard keeping my voice straight.

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