Who? (Part 2)

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Section 4:

     It was on! It took a little convincing, since the teacher is so pro human, but my topic was finally decided on, and the next thing was for us to pick out which side we would be on. I, obviously, chose to be on team 'against human' while Quancie was the first to choose team 'pro human.' It was like fate that we had become mortal enemies. Our battle would be legendary! Since we were the two smartest students in class, we were both placed in our respective teams as 'team leader.' The class was evenly split, except for the one with an odd number, who defected to the 'pro human' side. Most of the members on my team didn't want to be there, however. They wanted to be on Quancie's team, but the teacher wanted both sides to have a fair ammount. Not like that was helping anything. I would end up being the only one actually doing anything anyways; and I didn't mind that. I liked the idea of searching around the village for clues, like a detective at the scene of a crime. I was sure to find something good to use against Quancie and her team!

    We were all let out of class early that day, giving me some time before sundown to look for good points to use against the player. I couldn't use silly ones like: "he kicked me out of my bed one morning" or "he's the reason my parents are dead." Reasons like that would be no use in a debate, as our teacher lectured on that day. She had told us that every day she would give a small lecture on each step towards a good debate, and each day we would go out and try to implant those new things we had learned. Our first challenge was to find at least three big fat facts that stick as the "backbone" of our argument. It was my job to look for three big facts that made my point, and also impacted the entire village. For this, a little research was required.

     I began my search by interviewing each and every villager, asking about their opinion on the human, and why they felt that way. While I wasn't able to talk to a few, including several of the older ones who would have been the best to ask, due to their duties as leaders and such, I was able to interview over twenty villagers that day! Wow! That's nearly half the village! After all my note taking was done, I sat down under the shade of a tree as the darkness of the night began creeping up, and examined my notes. For each one I had: the villager's name, their yes or no liking of the  human, and a synopsis of why. I read through, making sure I had done everything correctly. Sure enough, the facts were well documented right before me. However, they weren't exactly bending in my favor. Out of all twenty-one, only three said they for sure didn't like the player, and all their reasons were ones such as: he pushed me when he was running past, or, he stole some carrots from my farm that one time. Again, not helpful, since the reasons had to be something that effected everyone. I might have been able to turn it into some sort of bad citizen thing, but that was nowhere near close enough to have him kicked out entirely. I needed something much better than that.

     Before I even knew it, the moon was shining down on me, telling me it was time for bed. I stood quickly, looking around instinctively for any other villagers, seeing none. It must have been really late this time! I quickly ran back over to the house I slept in, running in and waking the two others from their sleep.

     "Uhm, Tim? What are you doing to late out at night?" Xile the librarian mumbled, half asleep.

     "Sorry. I was busy reading." I lowered my head, slowly closing the door, unlike how I had opened it. Then, I scurried up to the top bunk, finding the human wasn't already in it. "..Um, where did the human go?" I asked.

     "Oh? Him? Yeah, he left earlier today while you were in school. We are thinking he went out mining again, since he took a bunch of iron pickaxes with him. He probably won't be back until tomorrow or something." Xile said, trying to hide his worry for the human's safety. Honestly, how can he care? Xile only sees the human every now and than when he visits the library anyways, which is rarely. But, excited by the news, I sprawled out on the bed, glad as heck that it was finally mine, and mine alone. No stinky feet. No being kicked off; not even the feeling of being cramped. Finally, I could sleep, in peace.

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