Sneaking out

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A/n~ Thx for all the reads, and I'm trying to update this book more frequently. I take requests so leave them in comments or dm me, anyway enjoy!

~Time Skip a few weeks later~

Jameson Jackson

I was on my way to the kitchen to get me some tea when pink smoke appeared in front of me. Once it cleared Wilford was standing there smiling. "I told you I would be back soon" he says. I sign to him "You know the others doesn't want us hanging out". Wil just rolls his eyes, "When has that ever been a problem for us, ol chap?" he says smirking. "True, what do you have in mind?" I sign back. Wilford starts to smile more, "3 words. Clubbing, drinks, and dancing" he says. I then smile with him, "I'm in" I sign. 

Wilford smiles more and claps his hands together, "Now, we got to get you out of here. I can't poof us since I used most of my energy getting here" Wil says. "Well the others are downstairs, so my window?" I sign. "Great Idea, Jamie!" Wil says grabbing my wrist and walks to my room. When we get there I open the window, and Wilford goes first. He lands on the ground and gives me a thumbs up. Now I'm sitting on the window seal looking down at Wil, I get we're not that high up but I'm not the biggest fan of heights. "Come on Jameson, you can do this" Wilford says. I nervously sign to him "You know I'm not the biggest fan of heights". 

"I'll catch you. You trust me right?" Wil asks holding his arms up. "Of course I do" I say. I then take a deep breath and push my self off the edge and fall into Wilford's arms. He sets me down and says, "See I told you. I say we should start with some bar hoping to get a bit tipsy then go to the club. Deal?" Wil says. I nod my head and I lead him to the first bar in town.

2 hours later

Wil and I are very tipsy, but not drunk. "Now we can go to a club Jamie. We can get more drinks and maybe meet some nice fellows to dance to with" Wil says while wrapping his arms around my shoulders as we walk out of the bar. I lean into him and nod my head, "There's a club a few blocks away" I sign to him. Wilford then stops walking and looks at me with a big smile, "You got to think bigger Jameson. How about we go to a club somewhere else" he says. "There's also a club in the next town over" I sign back.

 Wil chuckles and shakes his head, "No Jamie, I'm talking about a different country. I know you like France, why not there?" Wil says. "But what about the others? They don't even know I left, or what about your people? Won't they be worried" I sign to him? Don't get me wrong I love hanging out with Wilford, but I hate making people worried about me. Wil just rolls his eyes, "Don't worry about them James, you need to get out more anyway. So, France?" Wil ask. "Fine, but aren't you to drunk to poof?" I sign. "I'm far from drunk Jamie, I can make it. Now let's go" He says excitedly. I hold onto his arm as pink smoke engulfs us.

Marvin the Magnificent pov

I want to practice some more magic for my gig this Saturday, so I was looking for Jameson since him and Robbie usually help. I then see Schneep in the kitchen drinking from his rug and Robbie sitting next to him while eating pizza? I walk over and say, "When did Robbie start eating pizza?". 

"I juzt let him try it today, and he seemz to like it so now he eatz it" Schneep answers. "Ok then, anyway have you seen JJ? I want to try some more tricks on him and Robbie if he wants to join" I say. Robbie looks up from his pizza and nods his head slowly but happily. "Now zhat you say it, I haven't seen Jameson all day" Schneep says thoughtfully. "Maybe he's just in his room?" I add. "Maybe who's in their room?" Chase says coming down the stairs. "Ve are looking for Jamie" Henrik says before I could. "Silent bro isn't in his room. I just came from there to see if he wanted to watch a movie with me since Jackie left for a crime thing" Chase says. 

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