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''Yeah, I'm on it now,'' I giggled talking to my friend Megan on the phone. She had suggested I try this new site that had recently been released. It was a site where you could interact with new people something I rarely did, but I decided to give it a try because Megan had suggested it.

''Hey, Ash, I got to get going but text me when you meet someone new. I want to know all the dirty details,'' She laughed.

''Ok, don't worry, I'll let you know every little thing,''

''You better,''

''Bye Meg,''

''Bye Ash,'' And with that Megan and I had just finished our call.

After hanging up with Megan, A ding caught my attention.


Without hesitating, I quickly clicked the notification and read his message.

xDREWx: Hey.

AshleyCakes: Hey.

xDREWx: What's up sweetie.

AshleyCakes: Sweetie huh? We're just now talking and you are already giving me pet names, what would your girlfriend think of this?

I joked, smiling as I sent the message. He had replied almost instantaneously.

xDREWx: Ha ha ha. It's not a pet name, I call all girls sweetie.

AshleyCakes: Ohh. Lol, I was just joking by the way.

xDREWx: Yeah right, I'm sure you wish you could be my sweetie.

AshleyCakes: Whatever, I'm sure you wish I was your sweetie.

xDREWx: Lies, I don't even know you.

AshleyCakes: In my defence, I don't know you either Mr. xDREWx. For all I know, you can be a creepy old man trying to kidnap an innocent 18 year old girl.

xDREWx: Ha, funny. I'm actually not a creepy old man, unless you consider 20 to be old. PLus how am I suppose to kidnap you? I have no idea where you are.

AshleyCakes: Hey, Drew? I've gotta go. I have ton of homework I have to get done. Maybe I can talk to you some other time?

xDREWx: Of course! oh, and by the way, the girlfriend you're worrying about, doesn't exist.

AshleyCakes: Ok. :). Bye Drew.

xDREWx: Bye Ashley.

Drew and I both had logged out of MeetAndChat I began working on my homework. After I had made myself finish the dreadful paper work, I decided to text Meg.

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