Chapter 4

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                   ~Shopping and Packing~

Tsu's P.O.V

     It's a Sunday morning and Yaoyorozu and Todoroki teamed up to do breakfast, I'm in the common area sitting with the girl and some of the boys.

Mina, Kirishima, Kaminary and Jiro are playing Mario Kart, Ochaco, Deku, and surprisingly Tokoyami are talking, I'm just reading a book.

Today the girls and I are going shopping, Yaoyorozu told us that it would be fun to shop together, so we made a plan and after breakfast we're off to the mall, and the guys are going with us because they also need some new stuff.

Time skip and Mina's P.O.V

     The girls and the guys are walking and talking to each other would we walk to the bus stop so we can go to the mall.

Kirishima, Sero, Kaminary, Bakugo and I are the ones all the way up front, but Bakugo is just walking in front of us, typical.

"Man I cant wait to go to Hawaii, it'll be so much fun!" Kirishima says.

"I know! Just imagine the view of the beach~" Kaminari says.

"I need some new swim suits!" I exclaim.

I have a lot, but I need a few new ones, just to look good, and maybe impress Kirishima- wait what?

"Don't you have plenty out ready?" Ask Uraraka running up to me.

Midoriya, Todoroki, and Iida are following behind her, usually Tsu is with me but I guess not right now.

"Yeah, but it's never bad to get a few new ones~" I say.

"I side with Mina, but who are you trying to impress?" Yao-Momo says.

Jiro, and Tsu where behind her, her comment made me blush, thank God for my pink skin!

"N-no one! I j-just want to get a new one!" I stuttered, Toru will be behind my tail now!

"I never really thought of Mina wanting to impress anyone to be honest." Kirishima says.

I look at him and our eyes meet, I look away and I think I'm blushing, and Yao-Momo saw this, I dont know how but she noticed.

"Oh!" Shes says.

Getting concerned looks, she smiles at me knowingly, and I think I'm blushing even more, so before it's visible to the other girls I run a little upfront, enought to side with Bakugo.

I. Like. Kirishima.

Time skip to the Mall and Momo's P.O.V

     I'm not an expert when it come to romance, but Mina definitely has a crush on Kirishima, and Uraraka has a crush on Midoriya, but everyone knows that, well, only the girls and I do, Aoyama knows however.

I'm waiting on a bench because I've done all the shopping I needed to do, we all decided to meet in a certain spot at two o'clock atleast.

I have like three shopping bags on me, one is swimsuits and a pair of sandals, I also bought a new towel and sunscreen, another one is clothes, and the last one is hair products, cause I need new ones since mines are almost empty.

I see Todoroki coming my way, he has two shopping bags in his hands, he sits next to me, and sets the shopping bags on the floor in front of his feet.

If I'm being honest here, I have a crush on Todoroki, hes just amazing, but that's not all I want to know of him, I want to become his friend and get to know him more before anything else.

Well, we are friends actually, but I dont know if he likes me back. No one but Jiro knows of my crush on Todoroki.

I wouldn't want Mina finding out anyways, and Toru, those two are literally the matchmaker queens of our class, it's scary.

As for Uraraka and Tsu, I wouldn't mind them knowing, but yet again, I would only like one person to know for the mean time anyways.

Later on today, at like one, I got a text from my mother, she has everything planned out, she said everything would be a total of, in American way, 19,750 dollars. It's not that bad, I should tell Todoroki since we're alone.

"Hey Todoroki," I start and look at him, he was looking at his phone so he looked up at me, and, he looks hot.

"Um- here!" I say, I was blushing so I just showed him the text between me and my mother.

A few minutes pass and he writes something in his phone, I guess he's splitting the money in half.

"I'll text you the amount I'll pay, and I hope you told your mom about our plan." He says, I nod, I did tell her.


Last Timeskip, promise, No one's P.O.V

     All the students met up at two and headed to the dorms, there where no problems getting there and once they got there Momo spoke up.

"Ok everyone, to the common area please, Midoriya call the big three, Allmight, Azawai-sensei and tell him to bring Eri and Kota along with Ms.Joke please, anyone else missing I'll make sure to call them down stairs." Shes says and everyone got into action.

When Allmight, the big three, Aizawa, Emi, Eri and Kota got there, they sat down in the common area.

Everyone waited for Momo to come back downstairs with Todoroki. When Momo and Todoroki came from upstairs they started the meeting.

"Thank you all for coming and I'm glad you're all able to come," She started.

"We have atleast two days to pack until we have to go to the airport," Todoroki continued.

"We'll be leaving in the morning at four so we can get there at four-fourty five," she said.

"We'll be metting down here at four o'clock so we can leave soon, I know it sucks but it'll be worth it." Todoroki finished.

"That's all. I'd like to say, and thank you Aizawa-sensei, AllMight and Ms.Joke for accompanying all of us." She said and got nods.

"That's all we needed to say, make sure to sleep extra early before the day we leave, withought furthermore, you're all dismiss I recommend to start packing before hand." Todoroki said and everyone left.

Emi is spending her nights with midnight and Kota with Aizawa and Eri. Everyone left to their rooms.

The girls started packing beforehand like recommended, and some of the boys like, Midoriya, Tokoyami, Kirishima, Iida and Todoroki aswell.


Please tell me if I made any mistakes, either with spelling or anything honestly, I'm trying to improve my own writing.

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