Part 9-last day of playlist

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Dixie pov:
I wake up shaking and crying, after just having a nightmare. I wrapped my arms tighter around griffin and I layed there quietly crying and shaking into his chest trying not to wake him or anyone else up, I didn't want to bother anyone else with my childish problems, But I wasn't very successful griffin must have felt me because shortly he Whispered "hey, hey what's wrong dix" "i just had a bad dream I'm fine go back to sleep" I said not wanting him to worry "no it's not dix ur shaking and crying what happened" he said sitting up and pulling my small frame into his lap "I-I-i" I started but only cried hard at the thought of what had happened in my dream. "It's okay deep breaths dix, deep breaths" griff said pulling me into a hug and playing with my hair which calmed me down. "I had a nightmare that tayler kissed me and then convinced you that I kissed him first and you left. Then he forced me to be with him and you wouldn't talk to me or let me explain" I was finally able to get out "oh Dix, I'm right here, I'm not leaving ever, and tayler can't get you I won't let him hurt you again" griff said pulling me closer into him and wrapping me in a tight hug. When we pulled away from the hug he leaned in an softly kissed me. I finally calmed down and stopped shaking but at this point I knew there was no way we would go back to sleep, I checked my phone to see what time it was, 4:30, great we had hours till we had to be up. "Wanna watch a movie" I asked griffin "sure, what movie?" He replied "frozen?" I questioned
"Sure"he replied. I got up and grabbed my laptop and AirPods so we could watch the movie without waking chase and charli up. We ended up watching Frozen 1 & 2, and by the time we finished them it was around 8am so we decided to go get Dunkin. We got ready and walked there, then ordered for chase, charli, and ourselves. When we got back chase and charli were still a sleep so me and griffin decided to make a few tiktoks, we saved most of them to the drafts but I posted one to the "hey bitch wanna a pixie stick" sound.

Charli pov:
I wake up see that Dixie and griffin are already awake and ready which is surprising seeing as I almost always wake up before them and have to wake them up. "What are you guys doing up?" I ask as I feel chase shift beside me "I had nightmare at like 4am and we've been up ever since" Dixie said "oh and we got u Dunkin" she added walking over to the kitchen area and pulling two large cold brews out of the fridge. "Thanks, I think I like it when you wake up before me" I said as Dixie handed me the coffees and a bag of doughnuts. I woke chase up then got up then I made a few tiktoks before getting ready since we still had a while and it wouldn't take me long. I straighten my hair and put on a pink tye-dye crop top, blue jeans, and a cropped gray zip up. By the time we were all done getting ready we still had about 30 minutes till we had to leave so We made some more tiktoks and I posted on Instagram then we headed to the venue. Me and chase walked in hand in hand, we met a few fans then headed to the hype house panel. We had our panel then meet and greet, after our meet and greet finished we headed back to the hotel so we could pack and check out, then go to the Airport. It was currently 3:30 and me and chase we waiting for dixie and griffin while they checked us out of our room, me and chase just made tiktoks and goofed around for about 10 minutes till they came over to us saying they finished. "You guys ready?" Dixie asked "you bet let's go to the Bahamas!" I said excitedlyas I grabbed chases hand and dragged him to the door. Dixie and griffin were behind us being really slow. I ordered us and Uber and me and chase waited for the Uber and griffin and Dixie. Our Uber arrived then we put our stuff in the back and got in, griffin dat in the front while Dixie, chase, and I sat in the back. We made small talk with our Uber driver and found out that she had a daughter who was a big fan of our so before we headed into the airport we took a picture for her daughter. We thanked our Uber driver then got our stuff out of the trunk and headed into the airport so we could check in and go through security. We got through security and since we were the o my ones here and we still had about our till our 5:30 flight took off we of course had to get Dunkin. We got our Dunkin then headed to the gate to wait for our friends. We were waited for about 30 minutes then Madi, chris, seb, nick, avani, and ant finally showed up, Addison and Bryant were coming to but they were flying in tomorrow. About 10 minutes after they all made it to the get we started boarding, they checked our passports and boarding tickets then we got on the plane. I was sitting next chase, Dixie was with griffin, avani and ant sat together, madi and Chris, then nick and seb sat together. We had about an 1 and 30 minute plane ride to the Bahamas so I put one of my headphones in and gav the other to chase so that we could listen to music. I wasn't that's tired so I didn't end up going to sleep so I bought WiFi so I could look on tiktok and do other stuff on my phone.

Chase pov:
I was watching charli as she scrolled through her phone and she just looked so cute, she looks so beautiful doing anything and I just want to be able to call her mine. I want her to be my girlfriend, I'm ready to be more than exclusive, I just hope she is. I think I'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend in the Bahamas, and I won't lie I'm really nervous but I'm trying not to show it because I want to surprise her. I'm gonna take her on date and ask her then ask her. I was snapped out of my thought by charli poking me and asking me to make a Tiktok so we did I we made a few tiktoks and posted them on both of our accounts then just talked about a bunch of random stuff till after what felt like forever it was time to get of the plane. We got off the plane then headed to baggage claim so we could get all our bags. We all got our bags then divided into 3 ubers to go to the resort. After about a 15 drive we arrived at the resort and it was so beautiful. We walked to the front desk to check in the room arrangements were:
Chase & Charli
Dixie & Griffin
Avani & Anthony
Madi & Chris
Nick & Seb
then Addison & Bryant were sharing a room but they were checking in tomorrow when they get here. All the couples rooms had one king bed in them and the Nick & seb's room and Addison & Bryant's rooms had 2 full sized beds in them. We all split up and went to our rooms so we could unpack and settle in to our rooms. Me and charli walked to our room hand in hand, then we got to our room and unpacked our stuff and settled in then we lied down on our bed since we were exhausted. I was laying on charli's chest with my arms wrapped around her waist as she played with my hair and we sat in a comfortable silence just enjoying each other's presence. I knew in this moment that loved this girl just being able to sit her with her and feel comfortable around her and like I could be my genuine self, I knew I would do anything for her and protect her with everything I had and I just couldn't wait to call her mine. After me and charli layer there for a little bit till we all decided that everyone was gonna come and hangout in our room so we got up and about 5 minutes later everyone was at our door so we let them in then we all decided to watch tiger king. We all sat in our living room area, me and charli were laying on the floor cuddling and after about 2 episodes charli fell asleep so I said goodnight to everyone and after they left I carried charli to bed then got in beside her and wrapped my arms around my waist spooning her and let myself drift off to sleep.

Word Count: 1560
Look at me finally posting a real part, oops but this took me so long to write but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out so yeah! Hopefully it won't take me this long to get the next part out 😂

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