Offer of Hell

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{RWBY universe}

Jaune was sitting on the roof crying in sadness


It's because he found Pyrrha and Cardin together and she didn't seem to regret it all.

All because Cardin exposed him, for having fake transcripts

This caused all his friends to betray him and his family to disown him.

Jaune began to feel anger at everyone

'So Yang destroys a bar, Blake's a former terrorist and Cardin's a racist bully, but I'm the bad guy for wanting to help people

'And Pyrrha, that slut, I gave her my heart and she does this  to me ' Jaune thought as he looked at his notebook with his ideas, for he was a genius in science 

Unfortunately, he hid his intelligence because his father wanted a warrior and not a scientist to carry on his vision of the Arc legacy

And now he was all alone with no one to help him, as a mysterious man looked at him from afar

"Good, found the first one," The man said as he pulled a crystal ball and looked at it 

"Let's see who else I could find' the voice said as he looked through the crystal

[Naruto verse]


The Village Hidden in the Leaves

Once a proud standing beacon of the ninja world

But now, it was nothing but a ruined place

Everything had been destroyed and no one could be seen and yet all someone could hear was the baby's cry 

Naruto looked around the damage he caused in his rage while holding a baby in his arms

'I don't regret this at all' Naruto thought 'I FOUGHT FOR THIS VILLAGE AND THEY DO THIS TO ME!!'

All of sudden felt the baby move in his arms, as Naruto stopped and began to comfort the baby

"It's ok, I'm here," He said, calming the baby "I just wish your mother was with us"

[Evagelion verse]

Shinji was in his room, all alone and crying in sadness 


It's because of his father, activating the dummy plug not allowing him to control Unit-1 and the program allowing it to attack another Unit and kill its pilot, that had refused Gendo's orders. Shinji was helpless as he saw the pilot die in front of his eyes

This caused the rest of Nerv to turn against him as they  

Even Rei hated him for not obeying the plan

Shinji could only cry, he lost someone precious to him again 

First was his mother at a young age 

and now he lost his love...Asuka

The two had a really rough start but as Asuka talked to him more, she began to soften up to him 

The two bonded over losing people and wanted to be their own person

Now she was gone and he was alone once again

' I just wanted a family' Shinji thought 'I just wanted to be loved....was that too much for life?'

Shinji continued to cry as the unknown force watched from afar

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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